Thursday, January 1, 2015

WTS (sell) [NA]2 LoL Accounts - PAX Jax, PAX runes, Championship Riven, Riot Singed, Victorious


I'm looking to sell 2 LoL NA accounts. They both date to pre-season 1 and as a result, have quite a few rare skins (PAX, holiday, championship, etc.). I know I have 0 TBM, so I'm happy to provide other forms of verification (ebay, etc.) Here are the details:


1) Account #1

Overview: My main account, played since right after beta. Noteworthy unlocks are PAX Jax, Platinum Season 1 icon, Championship Riven, Victorious J4-Janna-Elise, Riot Singed, and Holiday Quintessences. ~675k collection score according to elophant.

Current Realm: North America

16 Summoner Icons:

Platinum Season 1

Gold Season 2

Season 2 Championship icon

Gold Season 3

4 Harrowing 2012 icons (Spiteful Spirit to Deadfall Treant)

All 5 Snowdown 2013 icons

Path of Truth



(Summoner icon - League of Legends Wiki - Champions, Items, Strategies, and many more! for what they look like)

55 Skins:

Unchained Alistar

Longhorn Alistar

Pharaoh Amumu

Frostfire Annie

Boom Boom Blitzcrank

Vandal Brand

Arctic Warfare Caitlyn

Siren Cassiopeia

Nightmare Cho'Gath

Urfrider Corki

Mr. Mundoverse

Victorious Elise

Frosted Ezreal

Spectral Fiddlesticks

Spooky Gangplank

Scuba Gragas

Gragas Esq.

Headless Hecarim


Tempest Janna

Victorious Janna

Victorious Jarvan

Pax Jax

Traditional Karma

Phantom Karthus

Viridian Kayle

Judgement Kayle

Battleborn Kayle

Kennen Md

Valkyrie Leona

Defender Leona

Spellthief Lux

Ionia Master Yi

Chosen Master Yi

Road Warrior Miss Fortune

Pentakill Mordekaiser

Riot K-9 Nasus

Haunting Nocturne

Outback Renekton

Championship Riven

Blood Moon Shen

Riot Squad Singed

Cottontail Teemo

Championship Thresh

Traditional Trundle

Highland Tryndamere

Tango Twisted Fate

Kingpin Twitch

Vandal Twitch

Primal Udyr

Butcher Urgot

Leprechaun Veigar

Tundra Hunter Warwick

Battlecast Xerath

Runeborn Xerath

9 Rare collectors' runes:

2x Greater Quint of the Piercing Present

1x Quint of Bountiful Treats

1x Quint of the Piercing Screech

3x Quint of the Speedy Specter

1x Quint of the Witches Brew

79 champs/very complete runes: LoL for sale - Imgur

Tribunal: Never been in there, based on the fact that I've never had any restrictions on the account.


2) Account #2

Overview: My smurf account, also created and played since right after beta. Noteworthy unlocks are super rare Razer PAX Quintessences, Platinum Season 1 icon, and Victorious J4-Janna-Elise. ~250k collection score according to elophant.

Current Realm: North America

10 Summoner Icons:

Platinum Season 1

Gold Season 2

Season 2 Championship icon

Gold Season 3

1 Harrowing 2012 icon: Spiteful Spirit

3 Snowdown 2013 icons: Giftwrapped Poro, Bad Santa Veigar, Santa Gragas cookie

Path of Truth

Winter's Claw

(Summoner icon - League of Legends Wiki - Champions, Items, Strategies, and many more! for what they look like)

12 Skins:

Unchained Alistar

Arctic Warfare Caitlyn

Victorious Elise

Victorious Janna

Victorious Jarvan

Judgement Kayle

Defender Leona

Valkyrie Leona

Perseus Pantheon

Highland Tryndamere

Feral Warwick

Time Machine Zilean

7 Rare collectors' runes:

3x Razer Mark of Precision (SUPER RARE - only given out at 2011 PAX event)

3x Razer Quintessence of Speed (SUPER RARE - only given out at 2011 PAX event)

1x Quint of Bountiful Treats

35 champs/complete runes:

LoL for sale - Imgur

Tribunal: Never been in there, based on the fact that I've never had any restrictions on the account.


Let me know if interested in buying! Just shoot an email to


Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>elitepvpers<<

Thx williamny466

PostDate: January 01, 2015 at 04:37PM

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