Saturday, February 21, 2015

WTS (sell) Full prem account, enchant and some S5 stuff (Only PSC)


Level : 48

Win/lose rate : 43 ~ 44 %

Pen : 490K

Combi : 12



1x Sub DHa-41 11 enchant

1x Neo spade sub no enchant

1x Sub Dha-41 no enchant

2x black cannonade no enchant

1x Piranha assault rifle 4 enchant

1x Diamond air gun

1x Skull earth bomber 9 enchant

1x Laser cat 6 enchant

1x Toy gun 17 enchant

1x black burst shotgun no enchant

1x White submachine gun no enchant

1x Puppy revolver no enchant

1x Dragonade 1 enchant

1x Aya Rifle no enchant

1x Classic burst shotgun no enchant

1x Signal rail gun 11 enchant

2x Signal rail gun no enchant

1x Gold semi rifle no enchant

1x Gold Revolver 13 enchant

2x Gold revolver no enchant

1x Honey bee sentry gun 2 enchant

2x Black heavy machine gun no enchant

2x Antique sharp shooter no enchant

1x Gauss rifle MK2 5 enchant

3x SnowDrop dual magnum no enchant


1x Crow counter 16 enchant

2x Crow counter no enchant

1x Gate breaker 11 enchant

1x Taecyon Iron boots no enchant

1x Bloody spy dagger 4 enchants

1x Taser sword no enchant

1x Flame katana 1 enchant

S5/Fumbi weapon

Smash riffle +5% perma

Gold revolver +1% perma

Semi rifle +3% perma

Semi rifle +7% perma

Revolver +1% perma

Premiums sets


Underway set (M)

Pirate set (M)

Dark assassin set (M)

Water sport set (M)

Darten set (M) [All enchant 15 or higher]


Hunter darnia set (F)

Pirate costume set (F)

Lovely cook set (F)

Sexy summer set (F)


Papicat (Smartpack)

Starfish (Smart pack)

Black dragon (smart pack)

Space rabbit (Smart pack) 16 enchants

Kid rudolph pen

Pen costumes

Basic type A top (M) +5% perma

Sprite jacket Top (M) +5% perma

Frock Armer slacker pant (M) +7% perma

Padding sclacks pant (M) +7% perma

Chain hiphop pant (M) +7% perma

Keeper pant (M) +5% perma

Pocket L Shoes (M) +4 Hp perma

Modern walker shoes (M) +2 hp Perma

Santa cap +6 sp perma

Monocle (M) +4 sp Perma

Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>elitepvpers<<

Thx Forbidi

PostDate: February 21, 2015 at 02:35AM

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Unknown / Author & Editor

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