Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Full account

EG7 account

lvl 21 XP 6,017,950,633 100,000 Uridium, 35 points to register

40 LF-4, 20 at 16, 6 to 7 level 1 to level 8, 2 to level 6 to level 2-3 and the other 2 not upgraded at all.

many shields 15 to lvl 16, 5 to 5.

rocket launcher at lvl 16

10 havoc without hercules

iris, zeus apis and lvl 16.

75 000 x4, x3 ~ 140 000 ~ 360 000 x2, 76emp, SAB ~ 130 000 ~ 7500 RSB, 31 000 SAR-02 10 200 PLD-8, 1500 frost rocket, 69 smb / ish, 1300 slm

6 hangars, Gólya, spearhead, spearhead and, citadel, Veng, and Veng.

lightning for Veng

clear design, solace, spectrum, venom, sovereign, and all of the sentinel Market.

bands bat, moth, diamond, heart

PET lvl 15 8 collection protocols of the box to lvl 3

11 radars lvl 3

1 protocol fuel economy lvl 3

10 cargo protocols lvl 3

5 protocols aliens lvl 3

how trade lvl 3

Collector resources lvl 3

bonus collector box lvl 3

locator aliens lvl 3

Repair Combo lvl 3

kamikaze lvl 3

repair mode pet lvl 1

2 tech sites open

Skylab lvl 20

14,954 repair bills

vouchers jump 975

Mention that account was never put Bot, everything is done manually and money. )

only western , for more details add me on skype blue-butterfly19 or pm me .

i accept just wester union

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Thx BlueButterfly19

PostDate: March 10, 2015 at 03:20AM

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Unknown / Author & Editor

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