Tuesday, March 10, 2015

[Release]MK.Cheat Security 1.0 Advance Cheat Many Features Check It Out! Daily Update


1. Are There Cheats for League of Legends?

Yes, there are scripts that you can use to automate actions, such as abilities and last hitting and there are hacks that allow you to change your UI, Camera and similar features. There are also some rare bots that can level up accounts for you and farm RP slowly, but those often get reported and banned. However, there are NO RP or IP Generators or similar.

2. Is Cheating in League of Legends legal and will I get banned?

Cheating is 100% legal in any country in the world. Since there are really no game-breaking cheats available for LOL, Riot is not all that concerned with banning cheaters. You will not get banned, unless you use farming bots to level or scripts at an official Riot event in front of an audience.

For Educational Use Only

League of Legends Cheats

Cheats for League of Legends in essence include any and all methods, techniques or software that can help you to perform better in ranked matches, level up faster, grind more IP or play more efficiently. Cheats can either be achieved manually or using software, such as hacks, jungle timers, counter tools or even bots. The most commonly used kind of cheat in League of Legends are Zoom Hacks that allow you to customize your camera view and Jungle Timers that allow you to accurately keep track of the spawn time on jungle creeps. Less popular, but more effective: Key combo bots are used to unleash spell combinations, aiming skill shots, automatically smite and ignite an a lot more. Keystroke bots are probably the most effective kind of cheating software for LoL out there at the moment when it comes to performing better in ranked games.

Champion and Lane Pick Tools

Software that chooses champions and Lanes for you is especially useful if you want to play a very popular champion or one that just got newly released and want to ensure that no one picks him before you do. Unless other people are using a similar piece of software you are guaranteed to get the champion you want to play as, as long as he is available to you. This way you should never be stuck to play League of Legends with a champion that doesn’t appeal to you or that you don’t even know at all. Having a fast internet connection will contribute to your success if you are using auto picking tools in LoL, since the software can only pick, if the champion selection has been loaded. This kind of exploit is generally undetected.

Camera and Zoom Hacks

Camera tools allow you to gain a tactical advantage by increasing your field of view and camera customization. Certain Zoom Hacks allow you to see the whole map, zooming in and out as far as you would like and thus give you a lot more information and flexibility than you would usually have with the fixed default zoom in League of Legends. These kinds of mods can also increase your draw distance and rotate your camera to achieve 3rd person perspective and similar effects. These kinds of hacks can be detected by server-sided checks, but so far riot has never cared much about doing so. So far no one has gotten his account banned for using camera tools. I guess Riot is more interested in the money these people spend, than getting rid of them.

Jungle Timer Tools

Jungler Tools are another kind of very powerful cheat that can really make a difference if you are playing as a jungler. A Jungle Timer lets you know exactly when a camp is going to respawn and should make your jungle farming a lot more effective; allowing you to level up more quickly and buy better items with the surplus of gold you will farm. If you are looking to really play League of Legends competitively, you will definitively need a tool like that or a really hyperactive brain to make up for it. This tool will display a countdown for all camps: wolves, red buff (lizard elder), blue buff (ancient golem), wraiths, dragon and baron nashor. Some jungle timers are overlayed, others injected into the game, some keep track automatically, others need to be triggered manually. Generally however, timers are undetectable and a really handy tool to have; good for jungling and good for preventing counter jungling as well.

Range Display Hacks

These kinds for cheats for League of Legends display the range or a lot of different game mechanics: Your auto attack range, tower range, enemy vision range, enemy attack range, spell range, smite range, ignite range and even experience range. Of course most of these tools will allow you to turn different overlays on and off. Generally they display range by simply drawing a cycle around a champion or tower.

League of Legends Bots

Bots can do all sorts of different things in League of Legends. They are quite useless when it comes to playing matches, since LoL is a very skill-heavy game and an AI can’t really compete with the human mind here. However, bots can trigger certain mechanics a lot faster than a human being ever could: Auto smite, iginite, heal, potions, even auto killing spell combos. – Everything is possible using a bot to automatically press keys for you and taking care of those things that are need a really good reaction time if done manually. Bots can automatically chat for you using hotkeys for stuff like “gj”, “thanks” or “n00b”, they can use items for you at a certain amount of health or they can drink potions for you. Bots can overall be really useful for a competitive player and are undetectable.

The most effective use of bots or scripts in League of Legends is performing combos: The bot will unleash either a normal or full combo automatically at the hold of a button. Especially on very “skill-heavy”, non-mana-based outplay champions like Katarina these kinds of bots are really effective. If you are looking to get into higher tiers of the league, this kind of bot will be really helpful when farming LP. Of course a bot can’t get you to challenger: If you want to be a real pro, you will still have to be quite skilled at the game, even if you are using bot s and hacks to enhance your gameplay. If you compare the performance of a script with the mechanics of a pro, you will not really notice much of a difference. And we all know that one does not get into challenger with mechanical skill alone.

Other League Cheats and Tools

There are even more useful tool to use: Such as last hit markers that mark minions that can be last hit by your auto attack, making it easier to farm more gold in lane. There are also counter picking tools that will show you counter matchups for any champion in the game. And there are even more kinds of tools that you will be able to find on our sit. Have fun.

LOL “Drop Hacks” and DDoS to Disconnect other Players

First of all let it be said that we do not recommend you use this kind of hack or attack. Not only is it harmful to the game, it’s community and other players, but especially when it comes to DDoSing it is also illegal. However, since this is an educational site we want to provide you with information. For the longest time it was possible to disconnect other players form the game and therefore gain a huge advantage by either sending certain packets or DDoSing other players. The packet drop hack only works with champions that have some kind of “clone” or “companion” ability (annies tibber, shaco double, leblanc clone, wukong clone ect). The hack would then activate the ability, but instead of just sending one packet, it would send a whole bunch and that would get the clients to disconnect. As far as we know this kind of hack was never really officially sold or published, but it was a private hack that only selected members had access to. Obviously this kind of hack can be extremely powerful to move up the ranked ladder. To this day there are a few challenger players that are suspected of DDoSing and packet drop hacking. DDoSing however is a whole different beast: This is an illegal activity whereby the hacker exploits an open skype connection or similar in order to connect to that client from a lot of different sources, sending requests and therefore overloading the clients connection and making him/her disconnect (dc) from the game. There have also been instances where people have DDoSed the actual League of Legends servers. Ne condemn both of these cheating techniques, since they are harmful to a game we love.

Dodging Ranked Games and Climbing the Ladder faster

This is not necessarily a cheat, but a very frowned upon method of climbing ranked faster. – Keep in mind that you need skill to climb and this method alone won’t help you at all. Do you know the kind of game that when you are in the pick-ban phase, you already know that this is not going to end well? – Either your team does not communicate at all, or you have 3 people calling mid and raging, you have a 5 AD team or a Yi support. – Now you might think that finding a way to dodge these games would increase your win rate and help you climb faster and get higher ELO and you would be right is assuming that. Now while game dodging is not required (and many pros don’t usually do it) for you to teach the higher tiers, such as plat, diamond, master or even challenger, it is certainly useful. Because if you recall correctly, you probably lost most of the games that you had a very bad feeling about in the pick-ban phase, right?

So what you need for this technique to work is some ingenuity and some experience in playing ranked: If you have the distinct feeling that your team comp is highly inferior to the enemy team or that the people you are playing with are not going to perform, then try to dodge the game OR get someone else to dodge. Doing the first will cause you to lose LP (League Points); so it might not be what you want to go for. Try to convince your teammates to dodge the game: You can do this by acting as if you had to go and eat, act as if you had technical difficulties, your connection was lagging out, you were crazy and so on. In Silver I have found that the most effective way is to go support, since it is always left open, show the other players the weakness of the team composition and pick a champion that helps that out. – So if you lack tanks, pick a tank, if you lack AP then pick an AP. After that I tell them that I will have to make up for their mistake and steal farm from my ADC and that my last-hitting is incredibly good. Now either they will agree or they will dodge, works almost all the time. There are many ways of getting others to dodge: Just make them feel as if they were certain to lose if they don’t dodge. If you pretend to have problems or to need to afk, then be serious, act serious. If you want to act insane then do that: The insanity method works well, but requires a lot of typing usually. Be creative find your own way to get others to dodge and climb the tanked ladder faster.

Scripting & Use of Scripts

“Scripting or Scripts” is another way of referring to the use of bots in order to perform certain actions: Scripts can automatically react to your environment and do things like automatically ignite, smite, heal, ect, they can automatically use flash or movements to dodge certain skill shots, scripts can automatically unleash a champions whole combo so for example on LeBlanc the combo would be E, Q, W, R on a target. Scripts can perform a lot of other actions either at the press of a button or automatically once the environment dictates it: Automatically activating potions (HP, Mana), automatically using item actives, such as Zhonya's Hourglass, DFG ect. The possibilities are literally never ending and scripts are most likely the most overpowered kind of cheat that you can get to actually increase your performance in Solo Queue. What scripting essentially does is to replace mechanical ablilty with PC generated output. The downside to scripting is that any experienced player can tell that you are doing it and at a certain level (Master, Challenger) you are very likely to get reported a lot and get banned eventually. So overall it is effective, but won’t make you a pro League of Legends player.

Refer-a-Friend Botting – RAF Abuse

The refer a friend system allows people to use a custom link and invite others to join League of Legends in exchange for IP, skins and back in the day even Riot Points. – This system has been heavily exploited over the years, since it was one of the easiest ways to get a lot of Champions unlocked quickly. A lot of people tried to game the system manually by registering smurfs through their man accounts referral link and got some extra IP, however these were not the real offenders. Huge LoL account selling sites and traders soon started to use bots to automatically join through referral links and used bots to farm them up to level 10/20 in private games, ARAM matches and Dominion matches. They would queue up 10 to 14 bots at the exact same time at low-traffic times and get whole matches of bots that they could use to get maximum IP per match. These bots are frankly quite impressive, since they actually buy legit items and use correct spell rotations. These bots usually follow human players around and automatically attack enemy players. A lot of people made a lot of money using this exploit to not only get a lot of IP and champions on their accounts including the ultra-rare RAF skins, but then selling these botted accounts for real money online. But as more and more account sellers joined the trend, Riot finally realized the extent of the problem and announced that they will reorganize the Refer-a-Friend System in 2014. By the time you are reading this, this kind of exploit will most likely have been dealt with.





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Thx MrFluffyOwnsU

PostDate: March 10, 2015 at 03:15AM

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Unknown / Author & Editor

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