Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tibia Multi Client 10.76 - Download Mc 10.76

TibiaMC [multiclient] 10.76 (dla Tibii 10.76)

Sometimes it happens that we must at the same time on the same computer uruchmić 2

Tibi or more clients. Normally CipSoft blocked the opening

more than one client, but minor modification and the problem disappears. client

no way differs sięod orginalnego. This is the latest version of the Client 10.76

the ability to open multiple windows at once Tibi !!! Tibia MC 10.76.

-Rozpakuj TibiaMC.exe file and paste the file into the folder with the tibia.

-Uruchom Extracted file.

-Now Fire up the file / shortcut TibiaMC and include the leading tibia much as you need!

IMPORTANT! FILE MUST be placed in directory TIBIA WHERE IS INSTALLED (STANDARD C: \ Program Files \ Tibia) BO in order to work

Tibia Mc 10.76 Download

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Thx themrwebber

PostDate: March 25, 2015 at 06:10AM

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