Thursday, March 19, 2015

WTS (verkaufen) S4 League Account

Hey guys,

I want to sell my old account because i stopped playing S4League a while ago.

About the Account:

Level 37

Master Level 0

Pen: ~20k

Coupons: 88

Ap: 4

Meele Forcepacks & Fumbi:

Twin Blade +10

Gate Breaker FP

Crow Counter Sword FP

Storm Bat +7

Storm bat +0

Counter Sword +5

Breaker +5

Storm Bat +3

Flame Katana FP

3x Tachyon Iron Boots FP

Lucifer FP

Taichi Twin Blade FP

Counter Sword +7

Breaker +8

Assassin Spy Dagger FP

5x Death Scythe of Skeleton FP

Plasma Sword +7

Twin Blade +0

Storm Bat +1

Spy Dagger +3

Rifle & Guns Forcepacks & Fumbi:

Piranha Assault Rifle FP

Gauss Rifle MK2 FP

3x Golden Semi-Rifle FP

Knight Smash Rifle FP

Gauss Rifle +3

Assault Rifle +1

4x AYA Rifle FP

4x DHa-41 FP

3x Neospade Submachine Gun FP

3x Classic Burst Shotgun FP

3x Snow Drop Dualmagnum FP

White Submachine Gun FP

3x Black Burst Shotgun FP

2x Puppy Revolver FP

2x Golden Revolver FP

Snipe Forcepacks & Fumbi:

Cannonade +1

2x Dragonade FP

2x Signal Railgun FP

White Railgun FP

Black Cannonade FP

Special Forcepacks:

3x Magic Cube FP

Throwing Forcepacks:

Lightning MK2 Bomber FP

MK2 Rescue Gun FP

2x Rocket Launcher by Mad 'M' FP

Skills & Unique Skills:

HP Mastery



3x Surfingboard Anchoring

3x Wings of Death

Female Sets:

2x Sexy Summer

Female Detective

3x Smart Alice

Pirate Costume F

4x Hunter Damia

2x Death Queen

Lovely Cook

3x Wicked Joker

3x Chipao Girl


White Foxtail from Achievement Mission.

Male Sets:

4x Pirate Costume M

3x Kung Fu Fighter

2x Dark Assassin

2x Hunter Darten

2x Water Sports

Special Waiter

Death Impactor

3x Clock Rabbit

1x DJ Set


You give first or i will chose a Middleman who will be paid.

If you are interested in the account add me on skype: enter900.

I can send you screens or do screenshare via skype.

Angehängte Dateien

Dateityp: rar Screens.rar (1,76 MB)

Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>elitepvpers<<

Thx Enter900

PostDate: March 19, 2015 at 04:14AM

About the Author

Unknown / Author & Editor

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