Friday, March 20, 2015

WTS (verkaufen) SCAMMER

Dont ever do any tradings with


He is a scammer and scammed my account, yes this is probably not the place for this topic. But i hope the admins will just hear me out.


[5:52:53 PM] *** Simmarjit Singh has shared contact details with Tiku. ***

[5:52:58 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Hi there

[5:53:13 PM] Tiku: you have that pc team´?

[5:53:19 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Yes

[5:53:25 PM] Tiku: okay

[5:53:29 PM] Tiku: what payment you accept?

[5:53:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh: PayPal?

[5:53:39 PM] Tiku: yes

[5:53:42 PM] Tiku: 300?€

[5:54:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Ok I can do that

[5:54:32 PM] Tiku: Okay

[5:54:53 PM] Tiku: do you trade with an epvp admin as Middleman´?

[5:55:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Erm I am not planning to scam, I really just want to sell the account because I want to change to PS4

[5:55:43 PM] Tiku: i dont go first lets trade with an epvp admin okay

[5:55:44 PM] Tiku: ?

[5:56:30 PM] Simmarjit Singh: It has to be the real admin

[5:56:43 PM] Tiku: for sure

[5:56:58 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Ok, give me 20 minutes I am driving home right now

[5:57:02 PM] Tiku: okay

[6:06:17 PM] Tiku: elitepvpers - Announcements in Forum : The Black Market

[6:06:22 PM] Tiku: how to trade via pvp admin

[6:22:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh: that's trade request

[6:22:50 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i have no problems doing with trade request ...i done b4

[6:23:39 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am back already so yeah let me know

[6:29:44 PM] Tiku: thats the way how to trade

[6:29:51 PM] Tiku: you send rquest pp meial oicefield

[6:29:58 PM] Tiku: datas of acc privaefield aadmin checks all

[6:30:07 PM] Tiku: than i send you money than i get the acc from admin all via pn

[6:30:43 PM] Simmarjit Singh: whats the admin name?

[6:30:48 PM] Tiku: MuddyWaters

[6:30:49 PM] Tiku: ;)

[6:32:17 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Is he online?

[6:33:11 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Muddy Waters don't do trading

[6:34:03 PM] Tiku: he do

[6:35:59 PM] Simmarjit Singh: gimme his account profile

[6:36:00 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ?

[6:36:08 PM] Tiku: wel

[6:36:08 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i cant find

[6:36:11 PM] Tiku: well you think i scamm

[6:36:13 PM] Tiku: see you.

[6:36:27 PM] Simmarjit Singh: huh?

[6:36:35 PM] Tiku: yes

[6:36:49 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i don't understand lol

[6:37:10 PM] Tiku:

[6:37:15 PM] Tiku: he makes mm but inoffical

[6:37:21 PM] Tiku: he is an admin he dont need an

[6:37:23 PM] Tiku: mm status

[6:37:30 PM] Tiku: he makes it via request

[6:37:30 PM] Tiku: ;)

[6:37:42 PM] Simmarjit Singh: FYI: I do not randomly contact people outside of this platform (e.g. via Skype) and I certainly do not engage in any trading activities whatsoever. Should you encounter someone claiming otherwise, you are likely talking to some imposter.

[6:37:49 PM] Simmarjit Singh: go check him profile

[6:37:54 PM] Simmarjit Singh: in about me

[6:38:19 PM] Simmarjit Singh: that's muddy waters about me

[6:39:40 PM] Simmarjit Singh: so how?

[6:40:54 PM] Tiku: make rat

[6:40:58 PM] Tiku: out noticefield pp email

[6:41:06 PM] Tiku: privatefield all acc dtas he check all than

[6:41:14 PM] Tiku: he send me all is okay than i send money to email than

[6:41:17 PM] Tiku: he send me datas

[6:41:18 PM] Tiku: :P

[6:42:19 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am sorry i am not german, i don't understand

whats rat?

out noticefield pp email??

[6:42:45 PM] Tiku: reqeust a Trade make an request than into noticefield payapal email into privatefield username pw email email pw of acc

[6:51:48 PM] Simmarjit Singh:

[6:51:50 PM] Simmarjit Singh: correct?

[7:04:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: let me know

[7:07:10 PM] Tiku: you cant contact admin

[7:07:18 PM] Tiku: because he dont answer for trading answers

[7:07:25 PM] Tiku: thats the tread from him

[7:11:17 PM] Simmarjit Singh: then how? you asked me to ask him no

[7:11:20 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ?

[7:12:00 PM] Simmarjit Singh: can we just do it direct? i can do it now

[7:15:20 PM] Tiku: send reuest with datas than i send money

[7:16:00 PM] Simmarjit Singh: what datas?

[7:16:04 PM] Tiku: of acc

[7:16:09 PM] Simmarjit Singh: orign account information?

[7:16:12 PM] Tiku: yes

[7:16:23 PM] Simmarjit Singh: but then i didn't receive any money?

[7:16:35 PM] Tiku: YOU GOT IT AFTER I GT ACC !!! OR SURE !!

[7:16:37 PM] Tiku: FOR*

[7:18:39 PM] Tiku: so?

[7:18:52 PM] Simmarjit Singh: wait...

[7:18:57 PM] Tiku: k

[7:21:32 PM] Simmarjit Singh: how to send trade request? i cant find that option

[7:21:53 PM] Tiku:

[7:21:55 PM] Tiku: let side

[7:21:59 PM] Tiku: under the black market

[7:22:28 PM] Tiku: datas into privatefield

[7:22:31 PM] Tiku: id pw

[7:22:33 PM] Tiku: email and email pass

[7:22:56 PM] Tiku: and security answer

[7:23:08 PM] Simmarjit Singh: why not you send me trade request?

[7:23:11 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am seller?

[7:23:18 PM] Tiku: you must put the datas into privatefield

[7:23:27 PM] Tiku: than i request to you you cant put it on privatefield ^^

[7:23:46 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok i sent

[7:23:51 PM] Tiku: with datas ?

[7:24:09 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i sent trade rreqeust? there is no private field there

[7:24:17 PM] Tiku: jsut send me datas here

[7:24:20 PM] Tiku: to login :P

[7:24:27 PM] Tiku: i accept

[7:24:28 PM] Tiku: trade

[7:24:29 PM] Tiku: :)

[7:25:14 PM] Tiku: so?

[7:25:29 PM] Tiku: and the totys

[7:25:34 PM] Tiku: are not from a freepack?

[7:25:37 PM] Simmarjit Singh: no

[7:25:40 PM] Simmarjit Singh: all buy

[7:25:41 PM] Tiku: ok

[7:25:48 PM] Tiku: just send me data to login :)

[7:25:56 PM] Tiku: For what do you need the money?

[7:25:57 PM] Tiku: :)

[7:26:08 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i hope you don't scam me man

i am changing to ps4 that's why i sell

[7:26:13 PM] Tiku: NO !!!

[7:26:19 PM] Tiku: Thats not my opinion

[7:26:24 PM] Tiku: THATS SHIT !

[7:27:00 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ID : fcosamabinladen

[7:27:16 PM] Tiku: yes

[7:27:18 PM] Tiku: :)

[7:27:32 PM] Simmarjit Singh: password : Simmarjit45

[7:27:44 PM] Tiku: ok i log in wait :P

[7:27:45 PM] Simmarjit Singh: please send payment to paypal :

[7:28:09 PM] Tiku: so okay can i install fifa 15 on my pc its fast because i have the Cd's

[7:28:11 PM] Tiku: Okay?

[7:28:21 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok

[7:28:24 PM] Simmarjit Singh: wait

[7:28:32 PM] Tiku: can you call?

[7:28:34 PM] Tiku: via skype?

[7:28:34 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you can login already, then give me money no?

[7:28:54 PM] Tiku: wait bro i cant change any datas without security answer

[7:29:00 PM] Tiku: let me at first install fifa

[7:29:04 PM] Tiku: than we look upway

[7:29:18 PM] Simmarjit Singh: the security thing we do after you pay? k? cuz that's the only safe way for me

[7:29:24 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you install the game check the TOTY

[7:29:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh: give me money,, then i give the security details

[7:29:37 PM] Simmarjit Singh: can?

[7:29:50 PM] Tiku: No way just give me the answer than i give you all money via paypal i hope your pp acc is verfied

[7:29:51 PM] Tiku: ? :O (worry)

[7:30:15 PM] Simmarjit Singh: bro, i gave you my origin password and email ..i trust you now


[7:30:38 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeah that's why i gave you the email and passwrd

[7:30:42 PM] Tiku: at first

[7:30:43 PM] Simmarjit Singh: just install the game and check toty

[7:30:47 PM] Tiku: let me install fifa

[7:30:50 PM] Tiku: than we look okay?

[7:30:51 PM] Tiku: :)

[7:30:53 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok

[7:30:58 PM] Tiku: okay cool bro.

[7:31:02 PM] Tiku: But still dont spam me out

[7:31:10 PM] Tiku: it installing you need an screen?

[7:31:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: up to you..if you wanna share the screen i don't mind

[7:31:39 PM] Tiku: accept

[7:31:41 PM] *** Call from Tiku ***

[7:31:42 PM] Tiku: i will screen it via skype

[7:32:50 PM] *** Call ended, duration 01:08 ***

[7:33:02 PM] Tiku: what did i say bro im a nice and friendly people :)

[7:33:13 PM] Simmarjit Singh: lol

[7:33:19 PM] Tiku: what? :)=

[7:33:20 PM] Tiku: :)

[7:33:27 PM] Tiku: not :( ?

[7:33:29 PM] Simmarjit Singh: hahah

[7:33:37 PM] Tiku: im not friendly :( ?

[7:33:45 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i don't know yet hahah

[7:33:51 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ;D

[7:33:56 PM] Tiku: Hahha you sounds okay bro (heart)

[7:33:57 PM] Simmarjit Singh: :D

[7:33:59 PM] Tiku: Hope we will

[7:34:05 PM] Tiku: be in contact after trade too

[7:34:09 PM] Tiku: (worry)

[7:34:38 PM] Simmarjit Singh: sure..hopefully no problems with this trade

[7:34:47 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i want to buy PS4 with that money haha

[7:34:52 PM] Tiku: NO You can full trust me im not a pig how scamms

[7:34:58 PM] Tiku: Oh really i have Xbox One

[7:35:01 PM] Tiku: its cool to :D

[7:35:16 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i wanted to buy xbox one ..but not many people use in my country

[7:35:21 PM] Simmarjit Singh: most people use PS4 in my country

[7:35:24 PM] Tiku: Installing 12 % im going to smoke one zigarett

[7:35:28 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok

[7:35:31 PM] Tiku: Xbox one is awesome

[7:35:33 PM] Tiku: buy it :D

[7:35:42 PM] Simmarjit Singh: haha legends

[7:35:44 PM] Tiku: i go smoke see ya bro (heart)

[7:35:48 PM] Tiku: yes Pele -

[7:36:24 PM] Tiku: i go okay?

[7:39:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok

[7:41:41 PM] Tiku: so its

[7:41:46 PM] Tiku: 43% bro

[7:42:22 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok i will be here

[7:42:23 PM] Tiku: are they coins on the acc :) ?

[7:42:28 PM] Tiku: okay:)

[7:42:30 PM] Simmarjit Singh: erm not much

[7:42:37 PM] Tiku: ok

[7:42:40 PM] Simmarjit Singh: because i open packs for st Patrick day

[7:42:58 PM] Tiku: ahhh ok

[7:43:02 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you can check trade pile ..i got kompany there i think haven't sell

[7:43:13 PM] Tiku: ye#

[7:44:33 PM] Tiku: i will send you after trade 380€ Paypal allright?

[7:44:34 PM] Tiku: Its a deal?

[7:44:58 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok ... erm after you check everything?

[7:45:02 PM] Tiku: yes

[7:45:07 PM] Tiku: dont worrie bro

[7:45:07 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok thanks

[7:45:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am scared man

[7:45:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i buy $500 of fifa points

[7:45:28 PM] Tiku: You are a nice Person you trust me im not on way to scamm this is bullshit !

[7:45:47 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i spend so much money into that account ...and you can see got BF4 also in that account

[7:45:53 PM] Tiku: yes

[7:45:58 PM] Tiku: your time is 19.45

[7:46:02 PM] Tiku: my time is 12:45

[7:46:02 PM] Tiku: xD

[7:46:04 PM] Tiku: Wtf o.o

[7:46:05 PM] Tiku: :D

[7:46:12 PM] Tiku: time to go to bed bro :D (heart)

[7:46:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yes i am GMT +8

[7:46:27 PM] Tiku: time go to bed :D

[7:46:29 PM] Tiku: its 70%

[7:46:39 PM] Simmarjit Singh: its at night here ...not even midnight LOL

[7:46:46 PM] Simmarjit Singh: how old are you?

[7:46:47 PM] Tiku: Hahahhahaha okay

[7:46:48 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am 21

[7:46:50 PM] Tiku: my age is 19

[7:47:02 PM] Simmarjit Singh: cool

[7:47:11 PM] Tiku: im studie at university in Bremen its a town in Germany

[7:47:15 PM] Tiku: like 2 Years

[7:47:33 PM] Tiku: you work right ?

[7:47:37 PM] Simmarjit Singh: no

[7:47:38 PM] Simmarjit Singh: haha

[7:47:41 PM] Tiku: WTF

[7:47:42 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am student

[7:47:50 PM] Tiku: And spend 500$

[7:47:53 PM] Simmarjit Singh: hahaha

[7:47:55 PM] Tiku: In to fifa?

[7:47:55 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeah

[7:48:03 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeap waste money into fifa

[7:48:08 PM] Tiku: CAN YOU SHIT MONEY ?!?!?! (rofl)

[7:48:21 PM] Simmarjit Singh: last time no shit come out

[7:48:27 PM] Tiku: Okay :D

[7:49:42 PM] Tiku: 82% :O

[7:49:45 PM] Tiku: its fast

[7:49:49 PM] Tiku: my internet is op

[7:50:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: haha how many Mbps?

[7:50:09 PM] Tiku: 5600 per sec

[7:50:24 PM] Tiku: good or ?

[7:51:03 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am 2 MB per sec ,,,i don't know if yours is faster

[7:51:08 PM] Simmarjit Singh: 2000

[7:51:11 PM] Tiku: my is faster

[7:51:12 PM] Tiku: :D

[7:51:16 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeap

[7:51:20 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Europe

[7:51:22 PM] Tiku: feels like india Internet :D

[7:51:22 PM] Tiku: xD

[7:51:23 PM] Simmarjit Singh: nice internet

[7:51:35 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i am not from india btw lol

[7:51:39 PM] Tiku: i know

[7:51:40 PM] Tiku: but in india

[7:51:45 PM] Tiku: the internet is worse to xD

[7:52:10 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i have been there b4 ..its average ...many places are worse

[7:52:15 PM] Tiku: Yeeeees

[7:52:19 PM] Tiku: You are right bro

[7:52:39 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you watch football?

[7:52:46 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Bayern Munchen?

[7:53:01 PM] Tiku: Yes but i love madrid and bayern only and Paris

[7:53:09 PM] Simmarjit Singh: haha all the rich teams

[7:53:25 PM] Tiku: im bayern team fan when i was 7 years old

[7:53:40 PM] Simmarjit Singh: hahah ..maybe they win UCL this year

[7:53:43 PM] Simmarjit Singh: very strong

[7:53:48 PM] Tiku: THEY WILL -.- !

[7:53:48 PM] Tiku: :D

[7:54:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: if you don't know ...the UCL draw is just over

[7:54:09 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Bayern vs porto GG

[7:54:16 PM] Tiku: BAYERN WILL WIN

[7:55:23 PM] Tiku: the game is now

[7:55:26 PM] Tiku: aktualsiering

[7:55:39 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ?

[7:55:48 PM] Tiku: game is now

[7:55:52 PM] Tiku: aktualiserung

[7:56:02 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you forgot i not german like you hahah

[7:56:13 PM] Tiku: the game must make a update :D

[7:56:13 PM] Tiku: xD

[7:56:44 PM] Tiku: 403 mb are you really EA ?

[7:56:53 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeap the price range thing

[7:56:59 PM] Tiku: OMG

[7:57:03 PM] Tiku: I HATE THAT !!

[7:57:07 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeap

[7:57:24 PM] Simmarjit Singh: but it make the TOTY value more haha

[7:57:35 PM] Tiku: for sure ?

[7:57:36 PM] Tiku: o.o ?

[7:57:37 PM] Simmarjit Singh: but i lose so much coins with other players because of that

[7:57:44 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yes ..only for IF and TOTY

[7:57:50 PM] Tiku: oha..

[7:57:55 PM] Tiku: oo.o

[7:58:14 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i buy Bale 1 mil coins his price is 800k so sad

[7:58:17 PM] Tiku: 1:30

[7:58:20 PM] Tiku: 1(cat)

[7:58:23 PM] Tiku: 1:30 o.o

[7:58:38 PM] Simmarjit Singh: its 1.30 lunch time or night time?

[7:58:52 PM] Tiku: its takes 1:30 to install the update :D

[7:58:55 PM] Tiku: Can you wait please.. (worry)

[7:59:04 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ofcuz i wait hahahah

[7:59:11 PM] Tiku: wtf my internet

[8:00:41 PM] Tiku: can i restart my Internet please?

[8:00:55 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok no prob

[8:01:00 PM] Tiku: oh no

[8:01:01 PM] Tiku: all okay

[8:01:02 PM] Simmarjit Singh: just don't disappear on me LOL

[8:01:04 PM] Tiku: it works

[8:01:05 PM] Simmarjit Singh: haha

[8:02:57 PM] Tiku: 2 Minutes

[8:03:01 PM] Tiku: its ready for start

[8:03:08 PM] Simmarjit Singh: (y)

[8:06:26 PM] Simmarjit Singh: done?

[8:06:57 PM] Tiku: itsits ready for start wait must install controller sptup

[8:08:01 PM] Tiku: whats ut pw?

[8:08:02 PM] Tiku: :O

[8:08:11 PM] Simmarjit Singh: erm

[8:08:17 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Simmarjit45

[8:08:20 PM] Tiku: wait :O

[8:08:24 PM] Tiku: just check t

[8:09:05 PM] Tiku: with big S ?

[8:09:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yes

[8:09:21 PM] Simmarjit Singh: exactly like i typed

[8:09:32 PM] Tiku: what

[8:09:36 PM] Tiku: just send me the right

[8:09:38 PM] Tiku: pw

[8:09:39 PM] Tiku: right now

[8:09:45 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Simmarjit45

[8:09:53 PM] Simmarjit Singh: fcosamabinladen is the user

[8:10:07 PM] Tiku: its wrong

[8:10:09 PM] Tiku: ._.

[8:10:15 PM] Tiku: Only 3 more Chances to make it right

[8:10:17 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you could enter just now what?

[8:10:23 PM] Tiku: what?

[8:10:24 PM] Tiku: :O

[8:10:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok wait let me try on my pc

[8:10:32 PM] Tiku: okay

[8:10:32 PM] Tiku: log in

[8:10:40 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yeap i can enter

[8:10:47 PM] Tiku: lolz..

[8:10:54 PM] Tiku: With a big S ?

[8:10:54 PM] Simmarjit Singh: it says account currently in use

[8:11:00 PM] Tiku: yes

[8:11:14 PM] Simmarjit Singh: so whats the problem?

[8:11:21 PM] Tiku: yes the ut pw is wrong

[8:11:27 PM] Tiku: to login into ultimate team

[8:11:28 PM] Simmarjit Singh: owh

[8:11:32 PM] Simmarjit Singh: the question thing?

[8:11:32 PM] Tiku: xD

[8:11:45 PM] Tiku: In which town is born your mom

[8:11:48 PM] Simmarjit Singh: type

[8:11:50 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Klang

[8:12:07 PM] Simmarjit Singh: big K

[8:12:19 PM] Tiku: Wrong -.-

[8:12:28 PM] Simmarjit Singh: wtf

[8:12:30 PM] Tiku: Only 2 Chances

[8:12:32 PM] Tiku: wtf man !

[8:12:32 PM] Tiku: -.-

[8:12:56 PM] Simmarjit Singh: have you tried with big K?

[8:12:58 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Klang?

[8:13:02 PM] Simmarjit Singh: try with small k?

[8:13:10 PM] Tiku: okay i make with small k

[8:13:33 PM] Tiku: Okay

[8:13:36 PM] Tiku: little k was right :D

[8:13:45 PM] Simmarjit Singh: oh kk cool ..i kinda forgot haha

[8:13:54 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok check the squads

[8:13:59 PM] Tiku: y

[8:14:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: the main squad is with all my strong players

[8:14:15 PM] Simmarjit Singh: and you can check trade pile for Kompany should be there also

[8:15:35 PM] Simmarjit Singh: all okay?

[8:16:02 PM] Tiku: yes

[8:16:06 PM] Tiku: give me security answer

[8:16:06 PM] Tiku: :)

[8:16:18 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok about that have to transfer money first man

[8:16:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i did everything for you already

[8:16:35 PM] Simmarjit Singh: now that's the last thing

[8:16:47 PM] Tiku: GUY Serios i dont scamm you if i changed email i send it faster as i can

[8:16:50 PM] Tiku: im not a stupied motherfucker

[8:16:55 PM] Tiku: how scamms other people

[8:16:58 PM] Simmarjit Singh: bro ..i am not insulting

[8:17:05 PM] Tiku: you was very nice to me

[8:17:07 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you should understand i am worried

[8:17:09 PM] Tiku: i dont do this

[8:17:24 PM] Tiku: Yes just give me answer i change email and all money is for you 380

[8:17:25 PM] Tiku: €

[8:17:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok larh i will trust you ...

[8:17:43 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i hope i am not wrong to do that

[8:17:43 PM] Tiku: YES BRO !

[8:17:46 PM] Tiku: nO !!!

[8:17:53 PM] Tiku: Serios bro just trust me.

[8:17:55 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Answer is Ford Fiesta

[8:18:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Big F F

[8:19:16 PM] Tiku: ok

[8:19:37 PM] Simmarjit Singh: done?

[8:19:45 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Paypal :

[8:19:51 PM] Tiku: can you send me

[8:19:53 PM] Tiku: id of acc

[8:19:55 PM] Tiku: pw

[8:19:58 PM] Tiku: security answer

[8:20:00 PM] Tiku: UT PW Answer

[8:20:05 PM] Tiku: i must safe it

[8:20:05 PM] Tiku: xD

[8:20:07 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok

[8:20:44 PM] Simmarjit Singh: origin ID : fcosamabinladen

PW : Simmarjit45

UT Answer : klang

Security Answer : Ford Fiesta

[8:20:51 PM] Simmarjit Singh: all which you can change

[8:21:16 PM] Tiku: you kicked me out -.-

[8:21:22 PM] Simmarjit Singh: what?

[8:21:34 PM] Tiku: THE Passwort dont work !

[8:21:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i didn't do anything

[8:21:42 PM] Tiku: login and

[8:21:48 PM] Tiku: lock it dont work

[8:22:05 PM] Simmarjit Singh: fcosamabinladen


[8:22:26 PM] Simmarjit Singh: can?

[8:22:32 PM] Tiku: DONT WORK WTF

[8:22:37 PM] Tiku: I got kicked and...

[8:22:56 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you didn't change any password or anything yet ?? right?

[8:23:01 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you change email?

[8:23:01 PM] Tiku: Jesus

[8:23:03 PM] Tiku: No !

[8:23:13 PM] Simmarjit Singh: if you change email then use your email which you put

[8:23:17 PM] Tiku: Send me the email

[8:23:19 PM] Tiku: of the acc

[8:23:31 PM] Tiku: i try to login in origin with the acc email from origin

[8:23:48 PM] Tiku: ?!

[8:24:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: hey bro changed the password

[8:24:19 PM] Tiku: No serios

[8:24:21 PM] Tiku: try to

[8:24:26 PM] Simmarjit Singh: it changed already

[8:24:27 PM] Tiku: get passwort

[8:24:30 PM] Tiku: back with

[8:24:31 PM] Tiku: the

[8:24:32 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i received email notifications

[8:24:35 PM] Tiku: EMail of acc

[8:24:41 PM] Tiku: Try to recover the acc

[8:24:42 PM] Tiku: with

[8:24:43 PM] Tiku: email

[8:25:02 PM] Tiku: ahh sorry

[8:25:04 PM] Tiku: it okay

[8:25:07 PM] Tiku: sorry bro

[8:25:10 PM] Tiku: sorry

[8:25:10 PM] Tiku: xD

[8:25:12 PM] Tiku: :/

[8:25:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: bro you make my heart beat fast man

[8:25:17 PM] Tiku: xDDDDDDDDDDDD

[8:25:18 PM] Tiku: Sorry

[8:25:32 PM] Simmarjit Singh: gosh

[8:25:56 PM] Tiku: i must change email wait for

[8:25:56 PM] Simmarjit Singh: so now ok? damn man you scare me

[8:29:01 PM] Tiku: accept

[8:29:01 PM] Tiku: email change

[8:29:05 PM] Tiku: in your old email

[8:30:03 PM] Tiku: ?!

[8:30:36 PM] Tiku: hello?

[8:32:12 PM] Tiku: guy?

[8:35:32 PM] Simmarjit Singh: hello

[8:35:33 PM] Simmarjit Singh: soryr

[8:35:41 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i went down for awhile

[8:35:45 PM] Tiku: ok

[8:36:23 PM] Simmarjit Singh: erm you done if you click confirm email in the email you put

[8:36:30 PM] Tiku: yes

[8:36:33 PM] Tiku: login ino your email

[8:36:35 PM] Tiku: please

[8:36:40 PM] Tiku: and make screenshare

[8:36:42 PM] Tiku: via skype

[8:36:58 PM] *** Call to Tiku ***

[8:39:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh:

[8:42:31 PM] Simmarjit Singh: Copy & Paste in message of payment: "I will not dispute this payment as this transaction is for a purchase of virtual goods. With this payment, I am acknowledging that I am satisfied with what I have bought and realize that it is in working conditions."

[8:45:29 PM] *** Call ended, duration 08:27 ***

[8:46:28 PM] Simmarjit Singh: so?

[8:46:34 PM] Tiku: sendet

[8:47:09 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i don't see it

[8:47:17 PM] Tiku: you got it

[8:47:18 PM] Tiku: 380€?

[8:47:24 PM] Tiku: I think it takes some minutes

[8:47:35 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok i will wait awhile

[8:47:48 PM] Tiku: okay

[8:49:25 PM] Simmarjit Singh: erm can you send a screenshot of the paypal page where they said you have send payment to SImmarjit Singh?

[8:52:31 PM] Tiku: im

[8:52:34 PM] Tiku: clean now the falt

[8:52:36 PM] Tiku: in 10 mins ok?

[8:52:55 PM] Simmarjit Singh: huh? clean now the falt?

[8:52:56 PM] Simmarjit Singh: flat?

[8:53:00 PM] Tiku: y

[8:58:57 PM] Simmarjit Singh: erm you sure you sent it to correct paypal? lol

[9:05:43 PM] Tiku: yes

[9:05:43 PM] Tiku: o.o

[9:05:50 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i still don't have

[9:05:58 PM] Tiku:

[9:06:14 PM] Simmarjit Singh: yes that is correct

[9:06:42 PM] Simmarjit Singh: can you show the screenshot of "you have successfully send payment/transfer to Simmarjit Singh'?

[9:06:54 PM] Simmarjit Singh: cuz i didn't receive any email from paypal and my paypal is 0

[9:13:54 PM] Simmarjit Singh: hi there

[9:13:57 PM] Simmarjit Singh: still nothing

[9:24:42 PM] Simmarjit Singh: and now youre offline...

[9:40:32 PM] *** Call to Tiku, no answer.

Send video message ***

[9:48:30 PM] *** Call to Tiku, no answer.

Send video message ***

[10:07:05 PM] Simmarjit Singh: bro, i don't know why youre doing this to me

[10:08:00 PM] Simmarjit Singh: BROOOOOO

[10:08:43 PM] Tiku: huhu

[10:08:59 PM] Simmarjit Singh: money?

[10:09:04 PM] Tiku: on your acc

[10:09:05 PM] Tiku: ^^

[10:09:16 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i didn't receive anything bro

[10:09:19 PM] Tiku: lolz

[10:09:24 PM] Simmarjit Singh: 0

[10:09:30 PM] Tiku: ..

[10:09:40 PM] Tiku: thats paypal but i send money

[10:09:49 PM] Simmarjit Singh: no bro ..paypal is instant

[10:09:53 PM] Tiku: nop

[10:10:13 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok,, do me a favour ..go to your paypal and show me that you sent money to my account?

[10:10:15 PM] Simmarjit Singh: can do that?

[10:10:21 PM] Tiku: no

[10:10:53 PM] Simmarjit Singh: what?

[10:10:57 PM] Simmarjit Singh: why not?

[10:11:04 PM] Tiku: Because

[10:11:04 PM] Tiku: ^^

[10:11:26 PM] Simmarjit Singh: so you scam me right?

[10:11:32 PM] Tiku: no?! o.o

[10:11:56 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i gave you my account ...and you give me no money in return

[10:12:14 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i did everything you asked

[10:12:17 PM] Tiku: hm

[10:14:02 PM] *** Call to Tiku, busy.

Send video message ***

[10:14:17 PM] Simmarjit Singh: wow

[10:14:22 PM] Tiku: ?

[10:14:30 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i just tried calling you

[10:14:36 PM] Tiku: lol

[10:14:38 PM] Tiku: no?

[10:14:42 PM] Simmarjit Singh: what no?

[10:15:03 PM] Tiku: you dont called to me

[10:15:20 PM] Simmarjit Singh: can you call me bro? serious man

[10:15:24 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i need the money

[10:15:33 PM] Tiku: i send the money

[10:15:34 PM] Tiku: ;)

[10:15:57 PM] Simmarjit Singh: you sending now?

[10:16:20 PM] Tiku: i send it allready

[10:16:36 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok, then please show me on your paypal page?

[10:16:47 PM] Tiku: no?

[10:16:59 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i don't know if you understand or not ...i am panic now

[10:17:09 PM] Simmarjit Singh: because you said you wont scam me said youre not a pig

[10:17:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: that's what you said

[10:17:26 PM] Tiku: im not a pig

[10:17:30 PM] Tiku: im a big pig :D

[10:18:19 PM] Simmarjit Singh: ok so you scammed me

[10:18:25 PM] Tiku: ye

[10:18:30 PM] Tiku: im sorry bro

[10:19:10 PM] Tiku: its okay?

[10:19:18 PM] Simmarjit Singh: no

[10:19:22 PM] Tiku: hm okay.

[10:19:37 PM] Simmarjit Singh: give me 100 euros at least

[10:19:39 PM] Tiku: But thank to you dont cry you are to old for this game ^.^

[10:20:31 PM] Tiku: so

[10:20:33 PM] Tiku: see you

[10:20:47 PM] Tiku: okay?

[10:21:12 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i really don't know what to say to you

[10:21:20 PM] Simmarjit Singh: i will dispute this '

[10:21:24 PM] Tiku: thats fine :D

[10:21:37 PM] Tiku: I sold all players and all coins are away

[10:21:38 PM] Tiku: :D

[10:21:39 PM] Tiku: Sry

[10:21:44 PM] Simmarjit Singh: sadly you cant do that

[10:21:47 PM] Simmarjit Singh: cuz nobody is buying

[10:21:51 PM] Tiku: you have only

[10:21:54 PM] Tiku: TOTY Ronaldo

[10:21:57 PM] Tiku: and 2 Million wow :D

[10:21:58 PM] Tiku: xD

[10:22:15 PM] Tiku: -tbm away and i will send money :)

[10:22:28 PM] Simmarjit Singh: send the money now thanks

[10:22:36 PM] Tiku: make tbm away

[10:23:30 PM] Simmarjit Singh: give me the money

[10:23:56 PM] Tiku: bb

[10:23:57 PM] Tiku: xd

[10:24:00 PM] Tiku: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA


[10:24:52 PM] Simmarjit Singh: fucker

[10:25:22 PM] Tiku: xD

[10:25:56 PM] Simmarjit Singh: thanks a lotlarh idiot ..i hope you enjoy the game for 6 months

[10:25:59 PM] Simmarjit Singh: fucking pariah

He probably has another account anyway, i hope he dies soon anyway. Thanks a lot scammer.

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Thx simmarjit

PostDate: March 20, 2015 at 04:36AM

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Unknown / Author & Editor

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