Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ban wave coming?

Before the new update I was getting kicked for the multi hack (Activation File) I didn't care about it since it was just a game time account. However for whatever reason even though it's still detected by pb, I no longer get kicked. Anyone been getting kicked for using the activation file since the btf4 update? Also I've went 5 days now on my gametime account without a FF ban.

I'm using modified Xtreme2010 source with auto shoot, target lock. Able to wipe out the whole team really fast or just do one target each time I press an hold the aim key. Not sure why no bans or kicks. I'm thinking they are just logging every and preparing to mass ban.

Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats<<

Thx SpongeBobSP

PostDate: March 05, 2015 at 03:24AM

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