FreakHook Lite
This is a test release from my hack - It's not finished yet so don't expect it to be bug-free. I intended to release it earlier but didn't get to it until now.
How to use?
Inject in Main Menu! You can use any injector.
Make sure you open your Injector as an Administrator!
You can open the menu by pressing your "HOME" key (EU keyboards: POS1, next to insert).
Known Issues
Can I use this in fullscreen?
Yes, it works in windowed and in fullscreen mode.
It crashes on startup.
Make sure you inject while you're in main menu!
It crashes while ingame..
This is still a test release and bugs may be there. I will fix them later on!
File might need to get approved first! Do not rush Mods to analyze the file! You will get an infraction for that! Be patient and respectful.
This is a test release from my hack - It's not finished yet so don't expect it to be bug-free. I intended to release it earlier but didn't get to it until now.
- Full Accuracy
- No Spread
- No Recoil
- ESP: Bounding Boxes (3D)
- ESP: Skeletons
- ESP: Name
- Magnet (only works with knife)
How to use?
Inject in Main Menu! You can use any injector.
Make sure you open your Injector as an Administrator!
You can open the menu by pressing your "HOME" key (EU keyboards: POS1, next to insert).
Known Issues
- Some options may trigger on/off if you leave your menu open while playing.
- Don't inject on startup.
- freakyy (me)
- Geecko: Helping me with a lot of stuff, without him this wouldn't be possible!
- SandyWF: Also helping me with some stuff :)
Can I use this in fullscreen?
Yes, it works in windowed and in fullscreen mode.
It crashes on startup.
Make sure you inject while you're in main menu!
It crashes while ingame..
This is still a test release and bugs may be there. I will fix them later on!
File might need to get approved first! Do not rush Mods to analyze the file! You will get an infraction for that! Be patient and respectful.
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Thx freakyy
PostDate: March 11, 2015 at 04:54AM
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