Hello Unknowncheaters!
I'm programming on a small project for Mafia II. I know, this game has got 5 years but it's awesome; and mafia II has an lua engine.
I have found a lua-injector source code, and it is just working fine. Now I have a problem with finding more lua-related functions. Currently I have only a little experience in reversing some games memory.. and that's why i writing this topic. Returning to the subject; currently i've got this functions from mafias lua-engine:
Now I want to reverse the games memory to find a function called lua_pushlstring, but how to begin?
Opening a function in CE and it looks like that:
Each lua function begins likethis:
Lua functions endings are similar too (scrolling through the memory, some functions have not a ret opcode):
It seems to be there a lot of something looking like functions in memory but how I determine what parameters it needs or what is the return value or type?
The function I searching is adding something on the LUA stack, but what if the function will be luaL_loadfilex? Is there any chance to get the (BYTE*) pattern to find those two functions?
Thanks in advance.
PS. And I Wish everyone here a nice day.
I'm programming on a small project for Mafia II. I know, this game has got 5 years but it's awesome; and mafia II has an lua engine.
I have found a lua-injector source code, and it is just working fine. Now I have a problem with finding more lua-related functions. Currently I have only a little experience in reversing some games memory.. and that's why i writing this topic. Returning to the subject; currently i've got this functions from mafias lua-engine:
- lua_pcall
- lua_tolstring
- lua_pushcclosure
- lua_setfield
- lua_gettop
- luaL_loadbuffer
- lua_tointeger
Now I want to reverse the games memory to find a function called lua_pushlstring, but how to begin?
Opening a function in CE and it looks like that:
Each lua function begins likethis:
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
Lua functions endings are similar too (scrolling through the memory, some functions have not a ret opcode):
pop ebp
It seems to be there a lot of something looking like functions in memory but how I determine what parameters it needs or what is the return value or type?
The function I searching is adding something on the LUA stack, but what if the function will be luaL_loadfilex? Is there any chance to get the (BYTE*) pattern to find those two functions?
Thanks in advance.
PS. And I Wish everyone here a nice day.
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Thx tomi20
PostDate: March 16, 2015 at 01:58AM
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