I'm curious about the EFL_KILLME flag, so I tried to rebuild C_BaseEntity in ida. I aligned everything to match the latest offsets from my netvar logger, but the address is reading a constant value for every player. Here's what I have:
C_BaseEntity struct ; (sizeof=0x54C, align=0x4)
void *m_hThink; // 0x184
int m_iEFlags; // 0x188
unsigned __int8 m_MoveType; // 0x18C
unsigned __int8 m_MoveCollide; // 0x18D
Noclipping in a local game does not set the EFL_NOCLIP_ACTIVE. Are these flags not updated on the client, or is my mapping incorrect? It's my first day.
C_BaseEntity struct ; (sizeof=0x54C, align=0x4)
void *m_hThink; // 0x184
int m_iEFlags; // 0x188
unsigned __int8 m_MoveType; // 0x18C
unsigned __int8 m_MoveCollide; // 0x18D
Noclipping in a local game does not set the EFL_NOCLIP_ACTIVE. Are these flags not updated on the client, or is my mapping incorrect? It's my first day.
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Thx qwerty9384
PostDate: March 19, 2015 at 05:26AM
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