Hi there,
Currently working on a new Arma 3 Menu.
What i am trying to is to input a Cfg file for both Weapons and Vehicles into a tree view... I have a box dedicated to spawning and want it to be displayed as such
> Vehicles
> Land
> Air
> Sea
> Weapons
> Accessories
(All Accessories)
> Clothing
(all Clothing)
this is what i have so far...
"+_HardLineFXRand82+" = { disableserialization; _HardLineFXSpawn = (findDisplay 147) ctrlCreate [""RscTree"", 25802580]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetFont ""PuristaBold""; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetTextColor [0,.4,1,1]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,.3]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetPosition[0.5,.32,0.5,.4]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlCommit 0.01; tvAdd[25802580, [], ""Vehicles""]; tvAdd[25802580, [], ""Weapons""]; tvAdd[25802580, [], ""Other""]; };
(need some code change) but the biggest question is how i can make it work! and have it so there is the Cfg files with pictures for the corresponding items.
Currently working on a new Arma 3 Menu.
What i am trying to is to input a Cfg file for both Weapons and Vehicles into a tree view... I have a box dedicated to spawning and want it to be displayed as such
> Vehicles
> Land
> Air
> Sea
> Weapons
> Accessories
(All Accessories)
> Clothing
(all Clothing)
this is what i have so far...
"+_HardLineFXRand82+" = { disableserialization; _HardLineFXSpawn = (findDisplay 147) ctrlCreate [""RscTree"", 25802580]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetFont ""PuristaBold""; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetTextColor [0,.4,1,1]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,.3]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlSetPosition[0.5,.32,0.5,.4]; _HardLineFXSpawn ctrlCommit 0.01; tvAdd[25802580, [], ""Vehicles""]; tvAdd[25802580, [], ""Weapons""]; tvAdd[25802580, [], ""Other""]; };
(need some code change) but the biggest question is how i can make it work! and have it so there is the Cfg files with pictures for the corresponding items.
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Thx pr3dator123
PostDate: April 06, 2015 at 06:28AM
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