Me and a friend both LEM are playing mm games with hacks, pretty legit if we incase need to rage hack we do but that is not often. We dont want overwatch ofcourse.
Please dont see this as a boost lobby. This is simply a lobby for people that do the same as us (hacking). We want a team that can play in other words, no need to rage hack but just 5 guys legit hacking and win everygame without having to get reported.
High ranks is prioritized and to have hacks is a must. Best would be DMG+ please!
Add me on: http://ift.tt/1GSc517
or join: steam://joinlobby/730/109775241968081238/76561198185417778
Me and a friend both LEM are playing mm games with hacks, pretty legit if we incase need to rage hack we do but that is not often. We dont want overwatch ofcourse.
Please dont see this as a boost lobby. This is simply a lobby for people that do the same as us (hacking). We want a team that can play in other words, no need to rage hack but just 5 guys legit hacking and win everygame without having to get reported.
High ranks is prioritized and to have hacks is a must. Best would be DMG+ please!
Add me on: http://ift.tt/1GSc517
or join: steam://joinlobby/730/109775241968081238/76561198185417778
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Thx RandomFaker
PostDate: April 04, 2015 at 07:52AM
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