Thursday, March 12, 2015

[Discuss] Fate of Warface (Vote NOW)

Stop! Wait! Read this before voting!

A new hack is on it's way, it's highly likely I'll release my hack tonight (if voting took so long it'll be released near future). But I don't want to ruin the gameplay, in other words, I don't want to get killed by someone who uses my hack! :D That would really piss me off. :nono:

So, as a result, I'm putting up some restrictions, taking into consideration that this this a free hack, we volunteered our time to build this and post it here free. And as I mentioned before, I don't want to make this game unplayable because of tons of hackers.

So, before I release it, I would like to know your thoughts regarding the settings for the restrictions I'm putting. Mostly involves the time.

Here are the basic rules and logic for my current time-based restrictions:

  • Timers are preset and hardcoded into the binary and in "some-level" they are hidden (but nothing is secure, I know). But somehow someone managed to crack it and bypass my restrictions I'll immediately cease release updates to my hack!

  • There are multiple timers, one for each restricted feature. Seamlessly interacts with it's restricted feature's events.

  • Each timer is starts when gameplay starts (if you enabled it while in main menu) or otherwise when you enable said feature while in gameplay.

  • Each timer ends when gameplay ends (unless they run out before it ends)

  • Timers can be paused:

    • By turning the said feature off: If you turned off a feature associated timer will also pause until you enable it later again.

    • By getting killed: :D If you got killed while using the feature, and you still has some time left, it'll pause it until you get revived, or resurrected (or by a checkpoint).

  • You can play multiple missions combined with one timer session. If you had few minutes left somehow at the last gameplay you can spend the rest of time left in the timer in the next gameplay.

  • Timers are running continuously in background until it reaches it goal while the associated feature is enabled.

  • Each timer is shown to the user as countdown timer in 00:00 format in a badge on left side, right under the Enemy Radar (my hack's feature) if it's enabled, or otherwise below the Warface Minimap.

  • Timer badge will turn to Orange color when you have 1 minute left for the appropriate feature to stops working.

  • Timer badge will turn to Red color when you have 30 seconds left for the appropriate feature to stops working.

  • When timer reaches 00:00, appropriate feature will quietly stop working, appropriate D3D menu tab will also become un-clickable.

Before you vote, think carefully. Think that:

  • You're not the only one who's gonna be using this hack.

  • You'll have a higher dumb rate to get caught by other players.

  • You still have gazillion of other features in my hack you sure to enjoy.

  • When you are learn to kill using hack, when the game updated and somehow my hack got outdated you will have a real crappy time aiming to players. You'll still press Autoaim/Aimbot keys when you saw someone. Trust me!

  • If you kill me using my hack, that I'll be really pissed off! :D :hitwithrock:

OK... Yeah that's pretty much it. Post your vote! :)

Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats<<

Thx SandyWF

PostDate: March 12, 2015 at 03:33AM

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Unknown / Author & Editor

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