Whenever i walk in any server Battle Royale etc. The players are red and they're health all of them is 0% but not blue ? Help please!

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX;
using System.Linq;
namespace H1Z1ESP
public partial class Main : Form
private delegate void AsyncWrite(String Text);
private delegate void AsyncClear();
public static Boolean IsRunning = false;
private Int64 CGameOffset = 0x142ADA390;
private Int64 GraphicsOffset = 0x142ADA0E8;
private Hotkey HotKey;
private Settings Settings;
private IntPtr GameWindowHandle;
private MARGIN GameWindowMargin;
private FastMemory GameMemory = new FastMemory();
private RECT GameWindowRect;
private POINT GameWindowSize;
private POINT GameWindowCenter;
public static IniHandler Ini;
public static Boolean Aiming = false;
private static Boolean Aimed = false;
private static ENTITY AimedEntity;
private static DateTime AimedUpdate;
public static Boolean ShowESP = false;
public static Boolean ShowPlayers = true;
public static Boolean ShowAggressive = true;
public static Boolean ShowAnimals = false;
public static Boolean ShowContainers = false;
public static Boolean ShowWeapons = true;
public static Boolean ShowAmmo = true;
public static Boolean ShowItems = true;
public static Boolean ShowVehicles = true;
public static Boolean HideESPWhenAiming = true;
public static Boolean HideDead = true;
public static Boolean BoxedPlayers = true;
public static Boolean BoxedAggressive = true;
public static Boolean BoxedAnimals = false;
public static Boolean BoxedItems = false;
public static Boolean BoxedVehicles = false;
public static Boolean Boxed3D = false;
public static Boolean ShowMap = false;
public static Boolean ShowRadar = true;
public static int RadarTransparency = 210;
public static Boolean RadarPlayers = true;
public static Boolean RadarAggressive = true;
public static Boolean RadarAnimals = true;
public static Boolean RadarVehicles = true;
public static Boolean ShowEntityLists = true;
private static Vector2 RadarCenter;
public static Boolean ShowMapLarge = false;
public static int MapTransparency = 210;
private static float map_pos_x;
private static float map_pos_z;
public static Boolean ShowPosition = false;
public static Boolean ShowCities = true;
public static Boolean BRMode = false;
public static Boolean ShowAR = false;
public static Boolean ShowShotgun = false;
public static Boolean ShowFirstAid = false;
public static Boolean ShowBackpack = false;
public static Boolean ShowHelmet = false;
public static Boolean TextShadow = true;
public static POINT TextRegion;
public static List<ENTITY> Entity = new List<ENTITY>();
public static Vector3 PlayerPosition = Vector3.Zero;
public static float player_X;
public static float player_Y;
public static float player_Z;
public static float player_D;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device DXDevice;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Sprite DXSprite;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture DXTextrureMap;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture DXTextrureMapLarge;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Line DXLine;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font DXFont;
public static extern int ColorHLSToRGB(int H, int L, int S);
public Main()
String iniPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).Replace(@"file:\", "");
Ini = new IniHandler(iniPath + @"\Settings.ini");
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "CGame") != String.Empty)
CGameOffset = Convert.ToInt64(Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "CGame"), 16);
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "Graphics") != String.Empty)
GraphicsOffset = Convert.ToInt64(Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "Graphics"), 16);
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowPlayers") != String.Empty)
ShowPlayers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowPlayers"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAggressive") != String.Empty)
ShowAggressive = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAggressive"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAnimals") != String.Empty)
ShowAnimals = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAnimals"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowContainers") != String.Empty)
ShowContainers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowContainers"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowWeapons") != String.Empty)
ShowWeapons = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowWeapons"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAmmo") != String.Empty)
ShowAmmo = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAmmo"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowItems") != String.Empty)
ShowItems = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowItems"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowVehicles") != String.Empty)
ShowVehicles = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowVehicles"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Players") != String.Empty)
BoxedPlayers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Players"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Aggressive") != String.Empty)
BoxedAggressive = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Aggressive"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Animals") != String.Empty)
BoxedAnimals = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Animals"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Items") != String.Empty)
BoxedItems = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Items"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Vehicles") != String.Empty)
BoxedVehicles = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Vehicles"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "3D") != String.Empty)
Boxed3D = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "3D"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowPosition") != String.Empty)
ShowPosition = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowPosition"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowCities") != String.Empty)
ShowCities = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowCities"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideDead") != String.Empty)
HideDead = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideDead"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideESPWhenAiming") != String.Empty)
HideESPWhenAiming = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideESPWhenAiming"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "LargeMap") != String.Empty)
ShowMapLarge = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "LargeMap"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "Transparency") != String.Empty)
MapTransparency = Int32.Parse(Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "Transparency"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Show") != String.Empty)
ShowRadar = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Show"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Transparency") != String.Empty)
RadarTransparency = Int32.Parse(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Transparency"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Players") != String.Empty)
RadarPlayers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Players"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Aggressive") != String.Empty)
RadarAggressive = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Aggressive"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Animals") != String.Empty)
RadarAnimals = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Animals"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Vehicles") != String.Empty)
RadarVehicles = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Vehicles"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowEntityLists") != String.Empty)
ShowEntityLists = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowEntityLists"));
public static RECT GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd)
RECT lpRect = new RECT();
Native.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out lpRect);
return lpRect;
private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
HotKey = new Hotkey();
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.None, Keys.Insert);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F1);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F2);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F3);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F5);
Native.SetWindowLong(this.Handle, -20, (IntPtr)((Native.GetWindowLong(this.Handle, -20) ^ 0x80000) ^ 0x20));
Native.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(this.Handle, 0, 0xff, 2);
PresentParameters parameters = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.PresentParameters();
parameters.Windowed = true;
parameters.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
parameters.BackBufferFormat = Format.A8R8G8B8;
parameters.BackBufferHeight = this.Height;
parameters.BackBufferWidth = this.Width;
parameters.PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.One;
DXDevice = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device(new Direct3D(), 0, DeviceType.Hardware, this.Handle, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, new PresentParameters[] { parameters });
if (System.IO.File.Exists("map_large.png")) DXTextrureMapLarge = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture.FromFile(DXDevice, "map_large.png");
if (System.IO.File.Exists("map.png")) DXTextrureMap = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture.FromFile(DXDevice, "map.png");
DXSprite = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Sprite(DXDevice);
DXLine = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Line(DXDevice);
DXFont = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font(DXDevice, new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8f));
if (this.GameMemory.Attach("H1Z1 PlayClient (Live)") == false) { Application.Exit(); return; }
Thread dxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoProcess));
dxThread.IsBackground = true;
//Thread aimThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoAiming));
//aimThread.IsBackground = true;
private void Main_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
this.GameWindowMargin.Top = 0;
this.GameWindowMargin.Left = 0;
this.GameWindowMargin.Right = this.Width;
this.GameWindowMargin.Bottom = this.Height;
Native.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(this.Handle, ref this.GameWindowMargin);
#region RemapValue
public static float RemapValue(float value, float from1, float to1, float from2, float to2)
return ((((value - from1) / (to1 - from1)) * (to2 - from2)) + from2);
#region DrawFilledBox
public static void DrawFilledBox(float x, float y, float w, float h, Color Color, int alpha = 255)
Vector2[] vertexList = new Vector2[2];
DXLine.GLLines = true;
DXLine.Antialias = false;
DXLine.Width = w;
vertexList[0].X = x + (w / 2f);
vertexList[0].Y = y;
vertexList[1].X = x + (w / 2f);
vertexList[1].Y = y + h;
DXLine.Draw(vertexList, Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.R, Color.G, Color.B));
#region RotatePoint
private static Vector2 RotatePoint(Vector2 pointToRotate, Vector2 centerPoint, float angle, bool angleInRadians = false)
if (!angleInRadians) angle = (float)(angle * 0.017453292519943295);
float num = (float)Math.Cos((double)angle);
float num2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)angle);
Vector2 vector = new Vector2((num * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X)) - (num2 * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y)), (num2 * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X)) + (num * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y)));
return (vector + centerPoint);
#region GetMatrixAxis
private static Vector3 GetMatrixAxis(Matrix matrix, int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13);
case 1: return new Vector3(matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23);
case 2: return new Vector3(matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33);
case 3: return new Vector3(matrix.M41, matrix.M42, matrix.M43);
return Vector3.Zero;
#region WorldToScreen
private bool WorldToScreen(Vector3 vector, out Vector3 screen)
screen = Vector3.Zero;
long num = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(GraphicsOffset);
long num2 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(num + 0x48L);
long num3 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(num2 + 0x20L) + 0x10L;
Matrix4 matrix = this.GameMemory.ReadMatrix(num3 + 0x1a0L);
Matrix matrix2 = new Matrix();
matrix2.M11 = matrix.M11;
matrix2.M12 = matrix.M12;
matrix2.M13 = matrix.M13;
matrix2.M14 = matrix.M14;
matrix2.M21 = matrix.M21;
matrix2.M22 = matrix.M22;
matrix2.M23 = matrix.M23;
matrix2.M24 = matrix.M24;
matrix2.M31 = matrix.M31;
matrix2.M32 = matrix.M32;
matrix2.M33 = matrix.M33;
matrix2.M34 = matrix.M34;
matrix2.M41 = matrix.M41;
matrix2.M42 = matrix.M42;
matrix2.M43 = matrix.M43;
matrix2.M44 = matrix.M44;
Matrix.Transpose(ref matrix2, out matrix2);
matrix2.M21 *= -1f;
matrix2.M22 *= -1f;
matrix2.M23 *= -1f;
matrix2.M24 *= -1f;
float introduced8 = Vector3.Dot(GetMatrixAxis(matrix2, 3), vector);
float num4 = introduced8 + matrix2.M44;
if (num4 < 0.098f) return false;
float introduced9 = Vector3.Dot(GetMatrixAxis(matrix2, 0), vector);
float num5 = introduced9 + matrix2.M14;
float introduced10 = Vector3.Dot(GetMatrixAxis(matrix2, 1), vector);
float num6 = introduced10 + matrix2.M24;
screen.X = ((((this.GameWindowSize.X - 0x10) / 2) * (1f + (num5 / num4))) + this.GameWindowRect.Left) + 8f;
screen.Y = ((((this.GameWindowSize.Y - 0x26) / 2) * (1f - (num6 / num4))) + this.GameWindowRect.Top) + 30f;
return true;
#region DrawLine
public static void DrawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w, Color Color)
Vector2[] vertexList = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(x1, y1), new Vector2(x2, y2) };
DXLine.GLLines = true;
DXLine.Width = w;
DXLine.Antialias = true;
DXLine.Draw(vertexList, Color);
#region DrawText
public static void DrawText(string text, int x, int y, Color color, bool center = false)
int offset = center ? (text.Length * 5) / 2 : 0;
if (TextShadow) DXFont.DrawString(null, text, x - offset + 1, y + 1, (Color4)Color.Black);
DXFont.DrawString(null, text, x - offset, y, (Color4)color);
public static void DrawText(string text, ref POINT point, Color color)
if (TextShadow) DXFont.DrawString(null, text, point.X + 1, point.Y + 1, (Color4)Color.Black);
DXFont.DrawString(null, text, point.X, point.Y, (Color4)color); point.Y += 15;
#region DrawBox
public static void DrawBox(float x, float y, float w, float h, float px, Color Color)
DrawFilledBox(x - (w / 2f), (y + h) - (h / 2f), w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox((x - (w / 2f)) - px, y - (h / 2f), px, h, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x - (w / 2f), (y - px) - (h / 2f), w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox((x - (w / 2f)) + w, y - (h / 2f), px, h, Color);
#region DrawBoxAbs
public static void DrawBoxAbs(float x, float y, float w, float h, float px, Color Color)
DrawFilledBox(x, y + h, w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x - px, y, px, h, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x, y - px, w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x + w, y, px, h, Color);
#region EntityToScreen
public void EntityToScreen(Vector3 pos, string name, Color color, bool dist, bool line, bool bounds, float boxHeight, float yaw, float pitch)
string text = name;
Vector3 dest = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(pos, out dest);
double distX = pos.X - player_X;
double distY = pos.Z - player_Z;
double distZ = pos.Y - player_Y;
double a = Math.Sqrt(((distX * distX) + (distY * distY)) + (distZ * distZ));
if (dest.Y > 0f && dest.X > 0f && dest.Y >= this.GameWindowRect.Top + 20 && dest.X >= this.GameWindowRect.Left && dest.X <= this.GameWindowRect.Right && dest.Y <= this.GameWindowRect.Bottom)
if (dist)
text = text + "\n[" + Math.Round(a).ToString() + "m]";
if (line)
DrawLine(dest.X, dest.Y, this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y, 1f, color);
if (bounds)
if (!Boxed3D || a >= 100.0)
DrawBox(dest.X, dest.Y, 65f / Math.Max((float)(((float)a) / 10f), (float)0.2f), 150f / Math.Max((float)(((float)a) / 10f), (float)0.2f), 1f, color);
else if (a < 100.0)
float wOffset = (boxHeight < 1f) ? boxHeight : 1f;
float zOffset = (boxHeight > 1f) ? boxHeight / 2 : 0f;
double num5 = pos.Z + ((1.0 * Math.Cos((double)pitch)) * Math.Cos((double)yaw));
double num6 = pos.X + ((1.0 * Math.Cos((double)pitch)) * Math.Sin((double)yaw));
double num7 = pos.Y + (1.0 * Math.Sin((double)pitch));
Vector3 vector = new Vector3((float)num6, (float)num7, (float)num5);
Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector, out zero);
DrawLine(dest.X, dest.Y, zero.X, zero.Y, 1f, color);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 0.78539816339744828));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 0.78539816339744828));
Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 screen = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector4, out screen);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 5.497787143782138));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 5.497787143782138));
Vector3 vector6 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 vector7 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector6, out vector7);
DrawLine(screen.X, screen.Y, vector7.X, vector7.Y, 1f, color);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 3.9269908169872414));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 3.9269908169872414));
Vector3 vector8 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 vector9 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector8, out vector9);
DrawLine(vector7.X, vector7.Y, vector9.X, vector9.Y, 1f, color);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 2.3561944901923448));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 2.3561944901923448));
Vector3 vector10 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 vector11 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector10, out vector11);
DrawLine(vector9.X, vector9.Y, vector11.X, vector11.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector11.X, vector11.Y, screen.X, screen.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector12 = new Vector3(vector4.X, vector4.Y + boxHeight, vector4.Z);
Vector3 vector13 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector12, out vector13);
DrawLine(screen.X, screen.Y, vector13.X, vector13.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector14 = new Vector3(vector6.X, vector6.Y + boxHeight, vector6.Z);
Vector3 vector15 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector14, out vector15);
DrawLine(vector13.X, vector13.Y, vector15.X, vector15.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector7.X, vector7.Y, vector15.X, vector15.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector16 = new Vector3(vector8.X, vector8.Y + boxHeight, vector8.Z);
Vector3 vector17 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector16, out vector17);
DrawLine(vector15.X, vector15.Y, vector17.X, vector17.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector9.X, vector9.Y, vector17.X, vector17.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector18 = new Vector3(vector10.X, vector10.Y + boxHeight, vector10.Z);
Vector3 vector19 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector18, out vector19);
DrawLine(vector17.X, vector17.Y, vector19.X, vector19.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector11.X, vector11.Y, vector19.X, vector19.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector19.X, vector19.Y, vector13.X, vector13.Y, 1f, color);
DrawText(text, (int)dest.X, (int)dest.Y - 20, color, true);
public void DoProcess()
Main.IsRunning = true;
this.GameWindowHandle = this.GameMemory.Process.MainWindowHandle;
while (this.GameWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero && Main.IsRunning && this.GameMemory.IsOpen)
this.GameWindowRect = GetWindowRect(this.GameWindowHandle);
this.GameWindowSize.X = this.GameWindowRect.Right - this.GameWindowRect.Left;
this.GameWindowSize.Y = this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - this.GameWindowRect.Top;
this.GameWindowCenter.X = this.GameWindowRect.Left + (this.GameWindowSize.X / 2);
this.GameWindowCenter.Y = this.GameWindowRect.Top + (this.GameWindowSize.Y / 2) + 11;
DXDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), 1f, 0);
DXDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, false);
DXDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.Lighting, false);
DXDevice.SetRenderState<Cull>(RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None);
long entityOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(CGameOffset);
long playerOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityOffset + 0x11D8);
player_X = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x210);
player_Y = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x214);
player_Z = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x218);
player_D = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x240);
long posOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(playerOffset + 0x198);
player_X = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(posOffset + 0x110);
player_Y = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(posOffset + 0x114);
player_Z = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(posOffset + 0x118);
PlayerPosition.X = player_X;
PlayerPosition.Y = player_Y;
PlayerPosition.Z = player_Z;
TextRegion = new POINT(this.GameWindowRect.Left + 15, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 35);
if (ShowPosition)
DrawText("Position X: " + player_X.ToString("F1") + " Y: " + player_Y.ToString("F1") + " Z: " + player_Z.ToString("F1"), ref TextRegion, Color.White);
DrawText("Direction: " + player_D.ToString("F2"), ref TextRegion, Color.White);
ShowESP = (!HideESPWhenAiming || Convert.ToBoolean(Native.GetAsyncKeyState(2) & 0x8000) == false);
Entity.Clear(); Aimed = false;
int entityCount = this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityOffset + 0x688);
long entityEntry = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(playerOffset + 0x410);
for (int i = 1; i < entityCount; i++)
float EntityX = 0;
float EntityY = 0;
float EntityZ = 0;
float EntityYaw = 0;
float EntityPitch = 0;
float EntitySpeed = 0;
int EntityType = this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityEntry + 0x5C8);
if (EntityType == 0) continue;
int EntityId = this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityEntry + 0x620);
long _nameEntry = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x4E0);
String EntityName = this.GameMemory.ReadString(_nameEntry, this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityEntry + 0x4E8));
// Get Player Pos //
if (EntityType == 0x04)
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1C0);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1C4);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1C8);
EntitySpeed = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1D8);
EntityYaw = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1F0);
// Vechicle Position //
else if (EntityType == 0x11 || EntityType == 0x72 || EntityType == 0x76)
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x250);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x254);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x258);
EntitySpeed = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1D8);
// Try Get NPC Position //
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x3C0);
if (EntityX == 0)
// Get Item Pos //
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x13F0);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x13E4);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x13E8);
// NPC Position //
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x3C4);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x3C8);
EntitySpeed = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1D8);
EntityYaw = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1F0);
// found this http://ift.tt/18DpQSl to solve car/player issues
long entityPositionOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x198);
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityPositionOffset + 0x110);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityPositionOffset + 0x114);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityPositionOffset + 0x118);
// Create New Entity //
ENTITY currentEntity = new ENTITY()
Id = EntityId,
Type = EntityType,
Name = EntityName,
Pos = new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ),
Distance = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), PlayerPosition),
Yaw = EntityYaw,
Pitch = EntityPitch,
Speed = EntitySpeed
// Append New Entity //
switch (EntityType)
case 0x04/*Player*/:
case 0x0C/*Zombie*/:
case 0x13/*Deer*/:
case 0x14/*Wolf*/:
case 0x50/*Bear*/:
case 0x55/*Rabbit*/:
case 0x5b/*Zombie*/:
// Aiming //
Vector3 aimingTo = Vector3.Zero;
if (Aimed == true || currentEntity.Distance > 300f || this.GameMemory.ReadByte(entityEntry + 0x136C) != 1)
/* Already aimed, not in range, entity is dead */
else if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control) || Convert.ToBoolean(Native.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.XButton1) & 0x8000) == true)
if (AimedEntity != null && AimedEntity.Id == currentEntity.Id)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(this.GameMemory.ReadByte(entityEntry + 0x136C)) == false)
// Target is dead //
AimedEntity = null;
Aimed = true;
AimedEntity = currentEntity;
Vector3 AIM; float offsetY = 1.0f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x55) offsetY = 0.20f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x13) offsetY = 0.75f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x14) offsetY = 0.50f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x50) offsetY = 0.65f;
if (WorldToScreen(new Vector3(AimedEntity.Pos.X, AimedEntity.Pos.Y + offsetY, AimedEntity.Pos.Z), out AIM))
int moveOffsetX = (int)(Math.Round(AIM.X) - this.GameWindowCenter.X) / 2;
int moveOffsetY = (int)(Math.Round(AIM.Y) - this.GameWindowCenter.Y) / 2;
DrawText("Aimed at " + AimedEntity.Name + ": " + moveOffsetX + ", " + moveOffsetY, ref TextRegion, Color.Red);
if (moveOffsetX != 0 || moveOffsetY != 0) Native.mouse_event(0x0001, (short)moveOffsetX, (short)moveOffsetY, 0, 0);
else if (AimedEntity == null && WorldToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), out aimingTo))
float distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(aimingTo.X, aimingTo.Y), new Vector2(this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y));
if (distance < 100f)
AimedEntity = currentEntity; Aimed = true;
float moveOffsetX = aimingTo.X - this.GameWindowCenter.X;
float moveOffsetY = aimingTo.Y - this.GameWindowCenter.Y;
Native.mouse_event(0x0001, (short)moveOffsetX, (short)moveOffsetY, 0, 0);
AimedEntity = null;
// Show Entity when ESP enabled //
if (ShowESP) // && this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1CC) == 1f)
Byte EntityAlive = this.GameMemory.ReadByte(entityEntry + 0x137C);
if (HideDead == false || Convert.ToBoolean(EntityAlive) == true)
// Deer or Rabbit //
if (EntityType == 0x13 || EntityType == 0x55)
if (ShowAnimals) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.DarkGreen, true, false, BoxedAnimals, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
// Player //
else if (EntityType == 0x04)
// Show HP
long num22 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x4058L); // old 0x3fa8L
uint num23 = this.GameMemory.ReadUInt32(num22);
for (uint j = 1; (num23 != 0x30) && (j < 50); j++)
num22 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(num22 + 0xf8L);
num23 = this.GameMemory.ReadUInt32(num22);
uint playerHP = this.GameMemory.ReadUInt32(num22 + 0xb0L) / 100;
int Hue = (int)(120f * (float)playerHP / 100f); // Hue red at 0° green at 120°
Color color = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(ColorHLSToRGB(Hue, 120, 240)); // H,L,S;
string playerNameHP = EntityName + " " + playerHP.ToString() + "%";
if (ShowPlayers) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), playerNameHP, color, true, false, BoxedPlayers, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
//if (ShowPlayers) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.SkyBlue, true, false, BoxedPlayers, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
// Aggressive NPC (Wolf, Bear, Zombies) //
if (ShowAggressive) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Red, true, false, BoxedAggressive, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
case 0x2E: // Loot
if (ShowESP && ShowItems) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.GreenYellow, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x1B: // Campfire
case 0x6D: // Stash
case 0x9C: // Land Mine
if (ShowESP && ShowItems && !BRMode) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.SaddleBrown, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x2F: // Furnace //
case 0x33: // Storage Container
case 0x35: // Animal Trap
case 0x36: // Dew Collector
case 0x53: // Barbeque
if (ShowESP && ShowContainers) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Gray, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x34: // Weapons
if (ShowESP && ShowWeapons)
if (ShowAR || ShowShotgun)
if (ShowAR && EntityName.Contains("AR15"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Red, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowShotgun && EntityName.Contains("Shotgun"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Orange, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.GreenYellow, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x15: // Ammo
if (ShowESP && ShowAmmo)
if (ShowAR || ShowShotgun)
if (ShowAR && EntityName.Contains(".223"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Red, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowShotgun && EntityName.Contains("Shotgun"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Orange, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.GreenYellow, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x11: // OffRoad
case 0x72: // Pickup
case 0x76: // PoliceCar
if (ShowESP && ShowVehicles) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.HotPink, true, false, BoxedVehicles, 2f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x2C: // Resources, Battary, Turbo, Sparkplugs
if (ShowESP && ShowItems)
if (ShowFirstAid || ShowBackpack || ShowHelmet)
if (ShowFirstAid && EntityName.Contains("First"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.LimeGreen, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowBackpack && EntityName.Contains("Backpack"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.White, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowHelmet && EntityName.Contains("Helmet"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.White, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (EntityName.Contains("Battery") || EntityName.Contains("Turbo") || EntityName.Contains("Headlights") || EntityName.Contains("Sparkplugs"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.DeepPink, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.White, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x16: // Dresser
case 0x17: // Armoire
case 0x19: // World Doors
case 0x1D: // Cabinets
case 0x1E: // Cabinets
case 0x21: // Cabinets
case 0x22: // Cabinets
case 0x23: // Cabinets
case 0x25: // Refrigerator
case 0x26: // Garbage Can
case 0x28: // Cabinets
case 0x29: // Desk
case 0x27: // Dumpster
case 0x30: // File Cabinet
case 0x31: // Tool Cabinet
case 0x37: // Recycle Bin (with fire)
case 0x38: // Punji Sticks
case 0x3D: // Wooded Barricade
case 0x3E: // Water Well
case 0x3F: // Armoire
case 0x40: // Dresser
case 0x42: // Chest
case 0x44: // Wrecked Sedan
case 0x45: // Wrecked Van
case 0x46: // Wrecked Truck
case 0x49: // Ottoman
case 0x4A: // Ottoman
case 0x4F: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x5D: // File Cabinet
case 0x61: // Cabinets
case 0x63: // Cabinets
case 0x6F: // Locker
case 0x70: // Weapon Locker
case 0x71: // Glass Cabinet
case 0x79: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x7A: // Resting (Bed)
case 0x7B: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x7C: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x80: // Cabinets
case 0x81: // Cabinets
case 0x82: // Cabinets
case 0x83: // Cabinets
case 0x84: // Cabinets
case 0x85: // Cabinets
case 0x86: // Cabinets
case 0x87: // Cabinets
case 0x88: // Cabinets
case 0xA1: // Washing Machine
case 0xA2: // Dryer
case 0x7D: // IO.FireHydrant
case 0x7E: // IO.FireHydrant
//this.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName + "[" + EntityId.ToString("X2") + "]", Color.Gray, true, false, false, 0f, 0f);
case 0x4C: // Shed
case 0x5F: // Metal Wall/Gate
case 0x62: // Basic Shack Door
case 0x6E: // Desk Foundation
case 0x9E: // Metal Door
case 0xA6: // Large Shelter
case 0xA7: // Shed
//this.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName + "[" + EntityId.ToString("X2") + "]", Color.Gray, true, false, false, 0f, 0f);
default: // Other Items
if (ShowESP && ShowItems && !BRMode) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName + "[" + EntityType.ToString("X2") + "]", Color.White, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
entityEntry = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x410);
if (Aimed == false) AimedEntity = null;
if (ShowEntityLists)
ENTITY[] playerList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x04).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
ENTITY[] aggressiveList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x0C || E.Type == 0x14 || E.Type == 0x50 || E.Type == 0x5b).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
ENTITY[] animalsList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x13 || E.Type == 0x55).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
ENTITY[] vehiclesList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x11 || E.Type == 0x72 || E.Type == 0x76).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
int itemY = (aggressiveList.Length > 10 ? 150 : aggressiveList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in aggressiveList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 20, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.Red);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
itemY = (animalsList.Length > 10 ? 150 : animalsList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in animalsList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 120, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.Green);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
itemY = (vehiclesList.Length > 10 ? 150 : vehiclesList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in vehiclesList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 220, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.HotPink);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
itemY = (playerList.Length > 10 ? 150 : playerList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in playerList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 320, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.SkyBlue);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
if (ShowRadar)
DrawFilledBox(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 225, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 50, 201f, 201f, Color.DarkOliveGreen, RadarTransparency);
DrawBoxAbs(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 225, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 50, 201f, 201f, 1f, Color.Black);
DrawLine(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 125, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 50, this.GameWindowRect.Right - 125, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 251, 1f, Color.Black);
DrawLine(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 225, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 150, this.GameWindowRect.Right - 24, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 150, 1f, Color.Black);
RadarCenter = new Vector2(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 125, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 125 + 25);
DrawFilledBox(RadarCenter.X - 1f, RadarCenter.Y - 1f, 3f, 3f, Color.White);
if (RadarCenter.Length() > 0f)
foreach (ENTITY entity in Entity)
Vector2 pointToRotate = new Vector2(entity.Pos.X, entity.Pos.Z);
Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(player_X, player_Z);
pointToRotate = vector3 - pointToRotate;
float num30 = pointToRotate.Length() * 0.5f;
num30 = Math.Min(num30, 90f);
pointToRotate = (Vector2)(pointToRotate * num30);
pointToRotate += RadarCenter;
pointToRotate = RotatePoint(pointToRotate, RadarCenter, player_D, true);
if (entity.Type == 0x04 && RadarPlayers)
DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.SkyBlue);
if ((entity.Type == 0x0C || entity.Type == 0x14 || entity.Type == 0x50 || entity.Type == 0x5b) && RadarAggressive)
DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.Red);
if ((entity.Type == 0x13 || entity.Type == 0x55) && RadarAnimals)
DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.LightGreen);
if ((entity.Type == 0x11 || entity.Type == 0x72 || entity.Type == 0x76) && RadarVehicles)
//DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.HotPink);
DrawBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, 1f, Color.HotPink);
if (ShowCities)
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(-129f, 40f, -1146f), "Pleasant Valley", Color.DarkViolet, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(-1233f, 90f, 1855f), "Cranberry", Color.DarkViolet, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(2003f, 50f, 2221f), "Ranchito", Color.DarkViolet, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (Main.ShowMap && (DXTextrureMap != null || DXTextrureMapLarge != null))
if (Main.ShowMapLarge && DXTextrureMapLarge != null)
map_pos_x = RemapValue(player_X, 4000f, -4000f, -512f, 512f);
map_pos_z = RemapValue(player_Z, -4000f, 4000f, -512f, 512f);
DXSprite.Draw(DXTextrureMapLarge, new Vector3(512f, 512f, 0f), new Vector3(this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y, 0f), Color.FromArgb(MapTransparency, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
else if (DXTextrureMap != null)
map_pos_x = RemapValue(player_X, 4000f, -4000f, -265f, 265f);
map_pos_z = RemapValue(player_Z, -4000f, 4000f, -265f, 265f);
DXSprite.Draw(DXTextrureMap, new Vector3(256f, 256f, 0f), new Vector3(this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y, 0f), Color.FromArgb(MapTransparency, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
float direction = Main.player_D * -1f;
float fromX = (float)((this.GameWindowCenter.X + map_pos_z) + (20.0 * Math.Cos(direction)));
float fromY = (float)((this.GameWindowCenter.Y + map_pos_x) + (20.0 * Math.Sin(direction)));
DrawFilledBox((this.GameWindowCenter.X + map_pos_z) - 2f, (this.GameWindowCenter.Y + map_pos_x) - 2f, 6f, 6f, Color.Magenta);
DrawLine(fromX, fromY, (this.GameWindowCenter.X + map_pos_z) + 1f, (this.GameWindowCenter.Y + map_pos_x) + 1f, 1f, Color.PaleVioletRed);
public void DoAiming()
while (true)
if (Aimed == true && AimedEntity != null)
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x312)
switch ((int)m.WParam)
case 0:
if (this.Settings != null && this.Settings.Visible)
this.Settings = new Settings(); this.Settings.Show();
this.Settings.Location = new Point(this.GameWindowRect.Right - this.Settings.Width - 20, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 200);
case 1:
ShowRadar = !ShowRadar;
Main.Ini.IniWriteValue("Radar", "Show", ShowRadar.ToString());
case 2:
ShowMap = !ShowMap;
case 3:
ShowMapLarge = !ShowMapLarge;
Main.Ini.IniWriteValue("Map", "LargeMap", Main.ShowMapLarge.ToString());
case 4:
Main.IsRunning = false;
base.WndProc(ref m);
public static void MoveMouse(int xDelta, int yDelta)
Native.mouse_event(1, xDelta, yDelta, 0u, 0u);
public static void MoveMouseTo(int x, int y)
Native.mouse_event(0x8000, x, y, 0, 0);
Native.mouse_event(1, x, y, 0, 0);
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX;
using System.Linq;
namespace H1Z1ESP
public partial class Main : Form
private delegate void AsyncWrite(String Text);
private delegate void AsyncClear();
public static Boolean IsRunning = false;
private Int64 CGameOffset = 0x142ADA390;
private Int64 GraphicsOffset = 0x142ADA0E8;
private Hotkey HotKey;
private Settings Settings;
private IntPtr GameWindowHandle;
private MARGIN GameWindowMargin;
private FastMemory GameMemory = new FastMemory();
private RECT GameWindowRect;
private POINT GameWindowSize;
private POINT GameWindowCenter;
public static IniHandler Ini;
public static Boolean Aiming = false;
private static Boolean Aimed = false;
private static ENTITY AimedEntity;
private static DateTime AimedUpdate;
public static Boolean ShowESP = false;
public static Boolean ShowPlayers = true;
public static Boolean ShowAggressive = true;
public static Boolean ShowAnimals = false;
public static Boolean ShowContainers = false;
public static Boolean ShowWeapons = true;
public static Boolean ShowAmmo = true;
public static Boolean ShowItems = true;
public static Boolean ShowVehicles = true;
public static Boolean HideESPWhenAiming = true;
public static Boolean HideDead = true;
public static Boolean BoxedPlayers = true;
public static Boolean BoxedAggressive = true;
public static Boolean BoxedAnimals = false;
public static Boolean BoxedItems = false;
public static Boolean BoxedVehicles = false;
public static Boolean Boxed3D = false;
public static Boolean ShowMap = false;
public static Boolean ShowRadar = true;
public static int RadarTransparency = 210;
public static Boolean RadarPlayers = true;
public static Boolean RadarAggressive = true;
public static Boolean RadarAnimals = true;
public static Boolean RadarVehicles = true;
public static Boolean ShowEntityLists = true;
private static Vector2 RadarCenter;
public static Boolean ShowMapLarge = false;
public static int MapTransparency = 210;
private static float map_pos_x;
private static float map_pos_z;
public static Boolean ShowPosition = false;
public static Boolean ShowCities = true;
public static Boolean BRMode = false;
public static Boolean ShowAR = false;
public static Boolean ShowShotgun = false;
public static Boolean ShowFirstAid = false;
public static Boolean ShowBackpack = false;
public static Boolean ShowHelmet = false;
public static Boolean TextShadow = true;
public static POINT TextRegion;
public static List<ENTITY> Entity = new List<ENTITY>();
public static Vector3 PlayerPosition = Vector3.Zero;
public static float player_X;
public static float player_Y;
public static float player_Z;
public static float player_D;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device DXDevice;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Sprite DXSprite;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture DXTextrureMap;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture DXTextrureMapLarge;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Line DXLine;
private static SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font DXFont;
public static extern int ColorHLSToRGB(int H, int L, int S);
public Main()
String iniPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase).Replace(@"file:\", "");
Ini = new IniHandler(iniPath + @"\Settings.ini");
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "CGame") != String.Empty)
CGameOffset = Convert.ToInt64(Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "CGame"), 16);
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "Graphics") != String.Empty)
GraphicsOffset = Convert.ToInt64(Ini.IniReadValue("Offsets", "Graphics"), 16);
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowPlayers") != String.Empty)
ShowPlayers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowPlayers"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAggressive") != String.Empty)
ShowAggressive = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAggressive"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAnimals") != String.Empty)
ShowAnimals = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAnimals"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowContainers") != String.Empty)
ShowContainers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowContainers"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowWeapons") != String.Empty)
ShowWeapons = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowWeapons"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAmmo") != String.Empty)
ShowAmmo = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowAmmo"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowItems") != String.Empty)
ShowItems = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowItems"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowVehicles") != String.Empty)
ShowVehicles = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("ESP", "ShowVehicles"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Players") != String.Empty)
BoxedPlayers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Players"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Aggressive") != String.Empty)
BoxedAggressive = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Aggressive"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Animals") != String.Empty)
BoxedAnimals = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Animals"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Items") != String.Empty)
BoxedItems = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Items"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Vehicles") != String.Empty)
BoxedVehicles = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "Vehicles"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "3D") != String.Empty)
Boxed3D = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Boxed", "3D"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowPosition") != String.Empty)
ShowPosition = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowPosition"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowCities") != String.Empty)
ShowCities = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowCities"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideDead") != String.Empty)
HideDead = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideDead"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideESPWhenAiming") != String.Empty)
HideESPWhenAiming = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "HideESPWhenAiming"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "LargeMap") != String.Empty)
ShowMapLarge = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "LargeMap"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "Transparency") != String.Empty)
MapTransparency = Int32.Parse(Ini.IniReadValue("Map", "Transparency"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Show") != String.Empty)
ShowRadar = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Show"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Transparency") != String.Empty)
RadarTransparency = Int32.Parse(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Transparency"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Players") != String.Empty)
RadarPlayers = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Players"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Aggressive") != String.Empty)
RadarAggressive = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Aggressive"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Animals") != String.Empty)
RadarAnimals = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Animals"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Vehicles") != String.Empty)
RadarVehicles = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Radar", "Vehicles"));
if (Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowEntityLists") != String.Empty)
ShowEntityLists = Convert.ToBoolean(Ini.IniReadValue("Misc", "ShowEntityLists"));
public static RECT GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd)
RECT lpRect = new RECT();
Native.GetWindowRect(hWnd, out lpRect);
return lpRect;
private void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
HotKey = new Hotkey();
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.None, Keys.Insert);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F1);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F2);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F3);
HotKey.enable(this.Handle, Hotkey.Modifiers.Alt, Keys.F5);
Native.SetWindowLong(this.Handle, -20, (IntPtr)((Native.GetWindowLong(this.Handle, -20) ^ 0x80000) ^ 0x20));
Native.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(this.Handle, 0, 0xff, 2);
PresentParameters parameters = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.PresentParameters();
parameters.Windowed = true;
parameters.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
parameters.BackBufferFormat = Format.A8R8G8B8;
parameters.BackBufferHeight = this.Height;
parameters.BackBufferWidth = this.Width;
parameters.PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.One;
DXDevice = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device(new Direct3D(), 0, DeviceType.Hardware, this.Handle, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, new PresentParameters[] { parameters });
if (System.IO.File.Exists("map_large.png")) DXTextrureMapLarge = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture.FromFile(DXDevice, "map_large.png");
if (System.IO.File.Exists("map.png")) DXTextrureMap = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Texture.FromFile(DXDevice, "map.png");
DXSprite = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Sprite(DXDevice);
DXLine = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Line(DXDevice);
DXFont = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font(DXDevice, new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8f));
if (this.GameMemory.Attach("H1Z1 PlayClient (Live)") == false) { Application.Exit(); return; }
Thread dxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoProcess));
dxThread.IsBackground = true;
//Thread aimThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoAiming));
//aimThread.IsBackground = true;
private void Main_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
this.GameWindowMargin.Top = 0;
this.GameWindowMargin.Left = 0;
this.GameWindowMargin.Right = this.Width;
this.GameWindowMargin.Bottom = this.Height;
Native.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(this.Handle, ref this.GameWindowMargin);
#region RemapValue
public static float RemapValue(float value, float from1, float to1, float from2, float to2)
return ((((value - from1) / (to1 - from1)) * (to2 - from2)) + from2);
#region DrawFilledBox
public static void DrawFilledBox(float x, float y, float w, float h, Color Color, int alpha = 255)
Vector2[] vertexList = new Vector2[2];
DXLine.GLLines = true;
DXLine.Antialias = false;
DXLine.Width = w;
vertexList[0].X = x + (w / 2f);
vertexList[0].Y = y;
vertexList[1].X = x + (w / 2f);
vertexList[1].Y = y + h;
DXLine.Draw(vertexList, Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.R, Color.G, Color.B));
#region RotatePoint
private static Vector2 RotatePoint(Vector2 pointToRotate, Vector2 centerPoint, float angle, bool angleInRadians = false)
if (!angleInRadians) angle = (float)(angle * 0.017453292519943295);
float num = (float)Math.Cos((double)angle);
float num2 = (float)Math.Sin((double)angle);
Vector2 vector = new Vector2((num * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X)) - (num2 * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y)), (num2 * (pointToRotate.X - centerPoint.X)) + (num * (pointToRotate.Y - centerPoint.Y)));
return (vector + centerPoint);
#region GetMatrixAxis
private static Vector3 GetMatrixAxis(Matrix matrix, int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13);
case 1: return new Vector3(matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23);
case 2: return new Vector3(matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33);
case 3: return new Vector3(matrix.M41, matrix.M42, matrix.M43);
return Vector3.Zero;
#region WorldToScreen
private bool WorldToScreen(Vector3 vector, out Vector3 screen)
screen = Vector3.Zero;
long num = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(GraphicsOffset);
long num2 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(num + 0x48L);
long num3 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(num2 + 0x20L) + 0x10L;
Matrix4 matrix = this.GameMemory.ReadMatrix(num3 + 0x1a0L);
Matrix matrix2 = new Matrix();
matrix2.M11 = matrix.M11;
matrix2.M12 = matrix.M12;
matrix2.M13 = matrix.M13;
matrix2.M14 = matrix.M14;
matrix2.M21 = matrix.M21;
matrix2.M22 = matrix.M22;
matrix2.M23 = matrix.M23;
matrix2.M24 = matrix.M24;
matrix2.M31 = matrix.M31;
matrix2.M32 = matrix.M32;
matrix2.M33 = matrix.M33;
matrix2.M34 = matrix.M34;
matrix2.M41 = matrix.M41;
matrix2.M42 = matrix.M42;
matrix2.M43 = matrix.M43;
matrix2.M44 = matrix.M44;
Matrix.Transpose(ref matrix2, out matrix2);
matrix2.M21 *= -1f;
matrix2.M22 *= -1f;
matrix2.M23 *= -1f;
matrix2.M24 *= -1f;
float introduced8 = Vector3.Dot(GetMatrixAxis(matrix2, 3), vector);
float num4 = introduced8 + matrix2.M44;
if (num4 < 0.098f) return false;
float introduced9 = Vector3.Dot(GetMatrixAxis(matrix2, 0), vector);
float num5 = introduced9 + matrix2.M14;
float introduced10 = Vector3.Dot(GetMatrixAxis(matrix2, 1), vector);
float num6 = introduced10 + matrix2.M24;
screen.X = ((((this.GameWindowSize.X - 0x10) / 2) * (1f + (num5 / num4))) + this.GameWindowRect.Left) + 8f;
screen.Y = ((((this.GameWindowSize.Y - 0x26) / 2) * (1f - (num6 / num4))) + this.GameWindowRect.Top) + 30f;
return true;
#region DrawLine
public static void DrawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w, Color Color)
Vector2[] vertexList = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(x1, y1), new Vector2(x2, y2) };
DXLine.GLLines = true;
DXLine.Width = w;
DXLine.Antialias = true;
DXLine.Draw(vertexList, Color);
#region DrawText
public static void DrawText(string text, int x, int y, Color color, bool center = false)
int offset = center ? (text.Length * 5) / 2 : 0;
if (TextShadow) DXFont.DrawString(null, text, x - offset + 1, y + 1, (Color4)Color.Black);
DXFont.DrawString(null, text, x - offset, y, (Color4)color);
public static void DrawText(string text, ref POINT point, Color color)
if (TextShadow) DXFont.DrawString(null, text, point.X + 1, point.Y + 1, (Color4)Color.Black);
DXFont.DrawString(null, text, point.X, point.Y, (Color4)color); point.Y += 15;
#region DrawBox
public static void DrawBox(float x, float y, float w, float h, float px, Color Color)
DrawFilledBox(x - (w / 2f), (y + h) - (h / 2f), w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox((x - (w / 2f)) - px, y - (h / 2f), px, h, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x - (w / 2f), (y - px) - (h / 2f), w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox((x - (w / 2f)) + w, y - (h / 2f), px, h, Color);
#region DrawBoxAbs
public static void DrawBoxAbs(float x, float y, float w, float h, float px, Color Color)
DrawFilledBox(x, y + h, w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x - px, y, px, h, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x, y - px, w, px, Color);
DrawFilledBox(x + w, y, px, h, Color);
#region EntityToScreen
public void EntityToScreen(Vector3 pos, string name, Color color, bool dist, bool line, bool bounds, float boxHeight, float yaw, float pitch)
string text = name;
Vector3 dest = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(pos, out dest);
double distX = pos.X - player_X;
double distY = pos.Z - player_Z;
double distZ = pos.Y - player_Y;
double a = Math.Sqrt(((distX * distX) + (distY * distY)) + (distZ * distZ));
if (dest.Y > 0f && dest.X > 0f && dest.Y >= this.GameWindowRect.Top + 20 && dest.X >= this.GameWindowRect.Left && dest.X <= this.GameWindowRect.Right && dest.Y <= this.GameWindowRect.Bottom)
if (dist)
text = text + "\n[" + Math.Round(a).ToString() + "m]";
if (line)
DrawLine(dest.X, dest.Y, this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y, 1f, color);
if (bounds)
if (!Boxed3D || a >= 100.0)
DrawBox(dest.X, dest.Y, 65f / Math.Max((float)(((float)a) / 10f), (float)0.2f), 150f / Math.Max((float)(((float)a) / 10f), (float)0.2f), 1f, color);
else if (a < 100.0)
float wOffset = (boxHeight < 1f) ? boxHeight : 1f;
float zOffset = (boxHeight > 1f) ? boxHeight / 2 : 0f;
double num5 = pos.Z + ((1.0 * Math.Cos((double)pitch)) * Math.Cos((double)yaw));
double num6 = pos.X + ((1.0 * Math.Cos((double)pitch)) * Math.Sin((double)yaw));
double num7 = pos.Y + (1.0 * Math.Sin((double)pitch));
Vector3 vector = new Vector3((float)num6, (float)num7, (float)num5);
Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector, out zero);
DrawLine(dest.X, dest.Y, zero.X, zero.Y, 1f, color);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 0.78539816339744828));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 0.78539816339744828));
Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 screen = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector4, out screen);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 5.497787143782138));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 5.497787143782138));
Vector3 vector6 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 vector7 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector6, out vector7);
DrawLine(screen.X, screen.Y, vector7.X, vector7.Y, 1f, color);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 3.9269908169872414));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 3.9269908169872414));
Vector3 vector8 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 vector9 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector8, out vector9);
DrawLine(vector7.X, vector7.Y, vector9.X, vector9.Y, 1f, color);
num5 = pos.Z + (0.5 * Math.Cos(yaw + 2.3561944901923448));
num6 = pos.X + (0.5 * Math.Sin(yaw + 2.3561944901923448));
Vector3 vector10 = new Vector3((float)num6, pos.Y - zOffset, (float)num5);
Vector3 vector11 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector10, out vector11);
DrawLine(vector9.X, vector9.Y, vector11.X, vector11.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector11.X, vector11.Y, screen.X, screen.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector12 = new Vector3(vector4.X, vector4.Y + boxHeight, vector4.Z);
Vector3 vector13 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector12, out vector13);
DrawLine(screen.X, screen.Y, vector13.X, vector13.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector14 = new Vector3(vector6.X, vector6.Y + boxHeight, vector6.Z);
Vector3 vector15 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector14, out vector15);
DrawLine(vector13.X, vector13.Y, vector15.X, vector15.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector7.X, vector7.Y, vector15.X, vector15.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector16 = new Vector3(vector8.X, vector8.Y + boxHeight, vector8.Z);
Vector3 vector17 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector16, out vector17);
DrawLine(vector15.X, vector15.Y, vector17.X, vector17.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector9.X, vector9.Y, vector17.X, vector17.Y, 1f, color);
Vector3 vector18 = new Vector3(vector10.X, vector10.Y + boxHeight, vector10.Z);
Vector3 vector19 = Vector3.Zero;
this.WorldToScreen(vector18, out vector19);
DrawLine(vector17.X, vector17.Y, vector19.X, vector19.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector11.X, vector11.Y, vector19.X, vector19.Y, 1f, color);
DrawLine(vector19.X, vector19.Y, vector13.X, vector13.Y, 1f, color);
DrawText(text, (int)dest.X, (int)dest.Y - 20, color, true);
public void DoProcess()
Main.IsRunning = true;
this.GameWindowHandle = this.GameMemory.Process.MainWindowHandle;
while (this.GameWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero && Main.IsRunning && this.GameMemory.IsOpen)
this.GameWindowRect = GetWindowRect(this.GameWindowHandle);
this.GameWindowSize.X = this.GameWindowRect.Right - this.GameWindowRect.Left;
this.GameWindowSize.Y = this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - this.GameWindowRect.Top;
this.GameWindowCenter.X = this.GameWindowRect.Left + (this.GameWindowSize.X / 2);
this.GameWindowCenter.Y = this.GameWindowRect.Top + (this.GameWindowSize.Y / 2) + 11;
DXDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0), 1f, 0);
DXDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, false);
DXDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.Lighting, false);
DXDevice.SetRenderState<Cull>(RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None);
long entityOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(CGameOffset);
long playerOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityOffset + 0x11D8);
player_X = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x210);
player_Y = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x214);
player_Z = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x218);
player_D = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(playerOffset + 0x240);
long posOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(playerOffset + 0x198);
player_X = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(posOffset + 0x110);
player_Y = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(posOffset + 0x114);
player_Z = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(posOffset + 0x118);
PlayerPosition.X = player_X;
PlayerPosition.Y = player_Y;
PlayerPosition.Z = player_Z;
TextRegion = new POINT(this.GameWindowRect.Left + 15, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 35);
if (ShowPosition)
DrawText("Position X: " + player_X.ToString("F1") + " Y: " + player_Y.ToString("F1") + " Z: " + player_Z.ToString("F1"), ref TextRegion, Color.White);
DrawText("Direction: " + player_D.ToString("F2"), ref TextRegion, Color.White);
ShowESP = (!HideESPWhenAiming || Convert.ToBoolean(Native.GetAsyncKeyState(2) & 0x8000) == false);
Entity.Clear(); Aimed = false;
int entityCount = this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityOffset + 0x688);
long entityEntry = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(playerOffset + 0x410);
for (int i = 1; i < entityCount; i++)
float EntityX = 0;
float EntityY = 0;
float EntityZ = 0;
float EntityYaw = 0;
float EntityPitch = 0;
float EntitySpeed = 0;
int EntityType = this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityEntry + 0x5C8);
if (EntityType == 0) continue;
int EntityId = this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityEntry + 0x620);
long _nameEntry = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x4E0);
String EntityName = this.GameMemory.ReadString(_nameEntry, this.GameMemory.ReadInt32(entityEntry + 0x4E8));
// Get Player Pos //
if (EntityType == 0x04)
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1C0);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1C4);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1C8);
EntitySpeed = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1D8);
EntityYaw = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1F0);
// Vechicle Position //
else if (EntityType == 0x11 || EntityType == 0x72 || EntityType == 0x76)
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x250);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x254);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x258);
EntitySpeed = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1D8);
// Try Get NPC Position //
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x3C0);
if (EntityX == 0)
// Get Item Pos //
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x13F0);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x13E4);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x13E8);
// NPC Position //
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x3C4);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x3C8);
EntitySpeed = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1D8);
EntityYaw = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1F0);
// found this http://ift.tt/18DpQSl to solve car/player issues
long entityPositionOffset = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x198);
EntityX = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityPositionOffset + 0x110);
EntityY = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityPositionOffset + 0x114);
EntityZ = this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityPositionOffset + 0x118);
// Create New Entity //
ENTITY currentEntity = new ENTITY()
Id = EntityId,
Type = EntityType,
Name = EntityName,
Pos = new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ),
Distance = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), PlayerPosition),
Yaw = EntityYaw,
Pitch = EntityPitch,
Speed = EntitySpeed
// Append New Entity //
switch (EntityType)
case 0x04/*Player*/:
case 0x0C/*Zombie*/:
case 0x13/*Deer*/:
case 0x14/*Wolf*/:
case 0x50/*Bear*/:
case 0x55/*Rabbit*/:
case 0x5b/*Zombie*/:
// Aiming //
Vector3 aimingTo = Vector3.Zero;
if (Aimed == true || currentEntity.Distance > 300f || this.GameMemory.ReadByte(entityEntry + 0x136C) != 1)
/* Already aimed, not in range, entity is dead */
else if (ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control) || Convert.ToBoolean(Native.GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.XButton1) & 0x8000) == true)
if (AimedEntity != null && AimedEntity.Id == currentEntity.Id)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(this.GameMemory.ReadByte(entityEntry + 0x136C)) == false)
// Target is dead //
AimedEntity = null;
Aimed = true;
AimedEntity = currentEntity;
Vector3 AIM; float offsetY = 1.0f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x55) offsetY = 0.20f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x13) offsetY = 0.75f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x14) offsetY = 0.50f;
if (AimedEntity.Type == 0x50) offsetY = 0.65f;
if (WorldToScreen(new Vector3(AimedEntity.Pos.X, AimedEntity.Pos.Y + offsetY, AimedEntity.Pos.Z), out AIM))
int moveOffsetX = (int)(Math.Round(AIM.X) - this.GameWindowCenter.X) / 2;
int moveOffsetY = (int)(Math.Round(AIM.Y) - this.GameWindowCenter.Y) / 2;
DrawText("Aimed at " + AimedEntity.Name + ": " + moveOffsetX + ", " + moveOffsetY, ref TextRegion, Color.Red);
if (moveOffsetX != 0 || moveOffsetY != 0) Native.mouse_event(0x0001, (short)moveOffsetX, (short)moveOffsetY, 0, 0);
else if (AimedEntity == null && WorldToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), out aimingTo))
float distance = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(aimingTo.X, aimingTo.Y), new Vector2(this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y));
if (distance < 100f)
AimedEntity = currentEntity; Aimed = true;
float moveOffsetX = aimingTo.X - this.GameWindowCenter.X;
float moveOffsetY = aimingTo.Y - this.GameWindowCenter.Y;
Native.mouse_event(0x0001, (short)moveOffsetX, (short)moveOffsetY, 0, 0);
AimedEntity = null;
// Show Entity when ESP enabled //
if (ShowESP) // && this.GameMemory.ReadFloat(entityEntry + 0x1CC) == 1f)
Byte EntityAlive = this.GameMemory.ReadByte(entityEntry + 0x137C);
if (HideDead == false || Convert.ToBoolean(EntityAlive) == true)
// Deer or Rabbit //
if (EntityType == 0x13 || EntityType == 0x55)
if (ShowAnimals) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.DarkGreen, true, false, BoxedAnimals, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
// Player //
else if (EntityType == 0x04)
// Show HP
long num22 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x4058L); // old 0x3fa8L
uint num23 = this.GameMemory.ReadUInt32(num22);
for (uint j = 1; (num23 != 0x30) && (j < 50); j++)
num22 = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(num22 + 0xf8L);
num23 = this.GameMemory.ReadUInt32(num22);
uint playerHP = this.GameMemory.ReadUInt32(num22 + 0xb0L) / 100;
int Hue = (int)(120f * (float)playerHP / 100f); // Hue red at 0° green at 120°
Color color = ColorTranslator.FromWin32(ColorHLSToRGB(Hue, 120, 240)); // H,L,S;
string playerNameHP = EntityName + " " + playerHP.ToString() + "%";
if (ShowPlayers) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), playerNameHP, color, true, false, BoxedPlayers, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
//if (ShowPlayers) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.SkyBlue, true, false, BoxedPlayers, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
// Aggressive NPC (Wolf, Bear, Zombies) //
if (ShowAggressive) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Red, true, false, BoxedAggressive, 2f, EntityYaw, EntityPitch);
case 0x2E: // Loot
if (ShowESP && ShowItems) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.GreenYellow, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x1B: // Campfire
case 0x6D: // Stash
case 0x9C: // Land Mine
if (ShowESP && ShowItems && !BRMode) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.SaddleBrown, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x2F: // Furnace //
case 0x33: // Storage Container
case 0x35: // Animal Trap
case 0x36: // Dew Collector
case 0x53: // Barbeque
if (ShowESP && ShowContainers) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Gray, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x34: // Weapons
if (ShowESP && ShowWeapons)
if (ShowAR || ShowShotgun)
if (ShowAR && EntityName.Contains("AR15"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Red, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowShotgun && EntityName.Contains("Shotgun"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Orange, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.GreenYellow, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x15: // Ammo
if (ShowESP && ShowAmmo)
if (ShowAR || ShowShotgun)
if (ShowAR && EntityName.Contains(".223"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Red, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowShotgun && EntityName.Contains("Shotgun"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.Orange, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.GreenYellow, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x11: // OffRoad
case 0x72: // Pickup
case 0x76: // PoliceCar
if (ShowESP && ShowVehicles) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY + 1f, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.HotPink, true, false, BoxedVehicles, 2f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x2C: // Resources, Battary, Turbo, Sparkplugs
if (ShowESP && ShowItems)
if (ShowFirstAid || ShowBackpack || ShowHelmet)
if (ShowFirstAid && EntityName.Contains("First"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.LimeGreen, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowBackpack && EntityName.Contains("Backpack"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.White, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (ShowHelmet && EntityName.Contains("Helmet"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.White, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (EntityName.Contains("Battery") || EntityName.Contains("Turbo") || EntityName.Contains("Headlights") || EntityName.Contains("Sparkplugs"))
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.DeepPink, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName, Color.White, true, false, BoxedItems, 1f, 0f, 0f);
case 0x16: // Dresser
case 0x17: // Armoire
case 0x19: // World Doors
case 0x1D: // Cabinets
case 0x1E: // Cabinets
case 0x21: // Cabinets
case 0x22: // Cabinets
case 0x23: // Cabinets
case 0x25: // Refrigerator
case 0x26: // Garbage Can
case 0x28: // Cabinets
case 0x29: // Desk
case 0x27: // Dumpster
case 0x30: // File Cabinet
case 0x31: // Tool Cabinet
case 0x37: // Recycle Bin (with fire)
case 0x38: // Punji Sticks
case 0x3D: // Wooded Barricade
case 0x3E: // Water Well
case 0x3F: // Armoire
case 0x40: // Dresser
case 0x42: // Chest
case 0x44: // Wrecked Sedan
case 0x45: // Wrecked Van
case 0x46: // Wrecked Truck
case 0x49: // Ottoman
case 0x4A: // Ottoman
case 0x4F: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x5D: // File Cabinet
case 0x61: // Cabinets
case 0x63: // Cabinets
case 0x6F: // Locker
case 0x70: // Weapon Locker
case 0x71: // Glass Cabinet
case 0x79: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x7A: // Resting (Bed)
case 0x7B: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x7C: // Designer-placed(?) Door
case 0x80: // Cabinets
case 0x81: // Cabinets
case 0x82: // Cabinets
case 0x83: // Cabinets
case 0x84: // Cabinets
case 0x85: // Cabinets
case 0x86: // Cabinets
case 0x87: // Cabinets
case 0x88: // Cabinets
case 0xA1: // Washing Machine
case 0xA2: // Dryer
case 0x7D: // IO.FireHydrant
case 0x7E: // IO.FireHydrant
//this.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName + "[" + EntityId.ToString("X2") + "]", Color.Gray, true, false, false, 0f, 0f);
case 0x4C: // Shed
case 0x5F: // Metal Wall/Gate
case 0x62: // Basic Shack Door
case 0x6E: // Desk Foundation
case 0x9E: // Metal Door
case 0xA6: // Large Shelter
case 0xA7: // Shed
//this.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName + "[" + EntityId.ToString("X2") + "]", Color.Gray, true, false, false, 0f, 0f);
default: // Other Items
if (ShowESP && ShowItems && !BRMode) this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(EntityX, EntityY, EntityZ), EntityName + "[" + EntityType.ToString("X2") + "]", Color.White, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
entityEntry = this.GameMemory.ReadInt64(entityEntry + 0x410);
if (Aimed == false) AimedEntity = null;
if (ShowEntityLists)
ENTITY[] playerList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x04).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
ENTITY[] aggressiveList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x0C || E.Type == 0x14 || E.Type == 0x50 || E.Type == 0x5b).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
ENTITY[] animalsList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x13 || E.Type == 0x55).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
ENTITY[] vehiclesList = Entity.Where(E => E.Type == 0x11 || E.Type == 0x72 || E.Type == 0x76).OrderBy(E => E.Distance).ToArray();
int itemY = (aggressiveList.Length > 10 ? 150 : aggressiveList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in aggressiveList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 20, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.Red);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
itemY = (animalsList.Length > 10 ? 150 : animalsList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in animalsList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 120, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.Green);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
itemY = (vehiclesList.Length > 10 ? 150 : vehiclesList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in vehiclesList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 220, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.HotPink);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
itemY = (playerList.Length > 10 ? 150 : playerList.Length * 15);
foreach (ENTITY entity in playerList)
DrawText(entity.Name + " [" + Math.Round(entity.Distance).ToString() + " m]", this.GameWindowRect.Left + 320, this.GameWindowRect.Bottom - itemY - 15, Color.SkyBlue);
itemY -= 15; if (itemY <= 0) break;
if (ShowRadar)
DrawFilledBox(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 225, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 50, 201f, 201f, Color.DarkOliveGreen, RadarTransparency);
DrawBoxAbs(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 225, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 50, 201f, 201f, 1f, Color.Black);
DrawLine(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 125, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 50, this.GameWindowRect.Right - 125, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 251, 1f, Color.Black);
DrawLine(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 225, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 150, this.GameWindowRect.Right - 24, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 150, 1f, Color.Black);
RadarCenter = new Vector2(this.GameWindowRect.Right - 125, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 125 + 25);
DrawFilledBox(RadarCenter.X - 1f, RadarCenter.Y - 1f, 3f, 3f, Color.White);
if (RadarCenter.Length() > 0f)
foreach (ENTITY entity in Entity)
Vector2 pointToRotate = new Vector2(entity.Pos.X, entity.Pos.Z);
Vector2 vector3 = new Vector2(player_X, player_Z);
pointToRotate = vector3 - pointToRotate;
float num30 = pointToRotate.Length() * 0.5f;
num30 = Math.Min(num30, 90f);
pointToRotate = (Vector2)(pointToRotate * num30);
pointToRotate += RadarCenter;
pointToRotate = RotatePoint(pointToRotate, RadarCenter, player_D, true);
if (entity.Type == 0x04 && RadarPlayers)
DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.SkyBlue);
if ((entity.Type == 0x0C || entity.Type == 0x14 || entity.Type == 0x50 || entity.Type == 0x5b) && RadarAggressive)
DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.Red);
if ((entity.Type == 0x13 || entity.Type == 0x55) && RadarAnimals)
DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.LightGreen);
if ((entity.Type == 0x11 || entity.Type == 0x72 || entity.Type == 0x76) && RadarVehicles)
//DrawFilledBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, Color.HotPink);
DrawBox(pointToRotate.X, pointToRotate.Y, 3f, 3f, 1f, Color.HotPink);
if (ShowCities)
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(-129f, 40f, -1146f), "Pleasant Valley", Color.DarkViolet, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(-1233f, 90f, 1855f), "Cranberry", Color.DarkViolet, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
this.EntityToScreen(new Vector3(2003f, 50f, 2221f), "Ranchito", Color.DarkViolet, true, false, false, 1f, 0f, 0f);
if (Main.ShowMap && (DXTextrureMap != null || DXTextrureMapLarge != null))
if (Main.ShowMapLarge && DXTextrureMapLarge != null)
map_pos_x = RemapValue(player_X, 4000f, -4000f, -512f, 512f);
map_pos_z = RemapValue(player_Z, -4000f, 4000f, -512f, 512f);
DXSprite.Draw(DXTextrureMapLarge, new Vector3(512f, 512f, 0f), new Vector3(this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y, 0f), Color.FromArgb(MapTransparency, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
else if (DXTextrureMap != null)
map_pos_x = RemapValue(player_X, 4000f, -4000f, -265f, 265f);
map_pos_z = RemapValue(player_Z, -4000f, 4000f, -265f, 265f);
DXSprite.Draw(DXTextrureMap, new Vector3(256f, 256f, 0f), new Vector3(this.GameWindowCenter.X, this.GameWindowCenter.Y, 0f), Color.FromArgb(MapTransparency, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
float direction = Main.player_D * -1f;
float fromX = (float)((this.GameWindowCenter.X + map_pos_z) + (20.0 * Math.Cos(direction)));
float fromY = (float)((this.GameWindowCenter.Y + map_pos_x) + (20.0 * Math.Sin(direction)));
DrawFilledBox((this.GameWindowCenter.X + map_pos_z) - 2f, (this.GameWindowCenter.Y + map_pos_x) - 2f, 6f, 6f, Color.Magenta);
DrawLine(fromX, fromY, (this.GameWindowCenter.X + map_pos_z) + 1f, (this.GameWindowCenter.Y + map_pos_x) + 1f, 1f, Color.PaleVioletRed);
public void DoAiming()
while (true)
if (Aimed == true && AimedEntity != null)
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == 0x312)
switch ((int)m.WParam)
case 0:
if (this.Settings != null && this.Settings.Visible)
this.Settings = new Settings(); this.Settings.Show();
this.Settings.Location = new Point(this.GameWindowRect.Right - this.Settings.Width - 20, this.GameWindowRect.Top + 200);
case 1:
ShowRadar = !ShowRadar;
Main.Ini.IniWriteValue("Radar", "Show", ShowRadar.ToString());
case 2:
ShowMap = !ShowMap;
case 3:
ShowMapLarge = !ShowMapLarge;
Main.Ini.IniWriteValue("Map", "LargeMap", Main.ShowMapLarge.ToString());
case 4:
Main.IsRunning = false;
base.WndProc(ref m);
public static void MoveMouse(int xDelta, int yDelta)
Native.mouse_event(1, xDelta, yDelta, 0u, 0u);
public static void MoveMouseTo(int x, int y)
Native.mouse_event(0x8000, x, y, 0, 0);
Native.mouse_event(1, x, y, 0, 0);
Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats<<
Thx byrka123
PostDate: March 12, 2015 at 03:17AM
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