Thursday, March 12, 2015

[Help] Pixel Aimbot - how it's done?

I want to know how are pixel aimbots done - I'm not asking about color aimbots, I'm asking about kinda different thing. Some time ago I played on organner and that hack had pixel aimbot, it was feeling like I was playing on rage psilent with low fov and norecoil and nospread - I could headshot everybody from every position and stay 99% legit, then I saw pixel aimbot in some pub hacks, e.g. kobal framework (known as cracked by dead). I want to know how it works. I'm asking it in csgo, because I've found some movies with pixel aim in cs:s, so maybe it's possible in csgo too?

here are some movies from organner:


[AIMING SYSTEM] Pixel Aimbot Minimum Entity Distance Maximum Entity Distance Aiming Through Walls Kill Delay Disable Jumping Targets Draw Fov & VecSpot

another vid (dunno how it's done, color search?)


and here are some vids of me owning scrubs in cs 1.6, all on pixel aimbot, with 0 smooth and high fov



also I haven't played with colored models or something - pixel aimbot worked no matter what models I used

Ver publicacion completa // See full post --> >>UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacks and Cheats<<

Thx encoree1337

PostDate: March 12, 2015 at 04:39AM

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